LICENSED SERVICES INCOME will mean any payments that COMPANY or AFFILIATES receive from a third party in consideration of the performance of a LICENSED SERVICE by COMPANY or AFFILIATES for the third party, in those countries where the performance of such LICENSED SERVICE infringes one or more VALID CLAIMS, but in the case of cost-plus contracts, LICENSED SERVICES INCOME will be all payments other than costs.
LICENSED SERVICES INCOME will mean the gross amount collected by COMPANY and its AFFILIATES for LICENSED SERVICES, less [***].

Examples of LICENSED SERVICES INCOME in a sentence

  • If COMPANY owes additional monies to WHITEHEAD after the conclusion of such process, COMPANY will have [***] days after the completion of such process to make such payment to WHITEHEAD.(g) Sharing of LICENSED SERVICES INCOME.

  • COMPANY shall pay to WHITEHEAD [***] ([***]%) of LICENSED SERVICES INCOME received by COMPANY or AFFILIATES.


  • Licensed Services means all functions performed by the Licensed System.

  • Licensed service area means the geographic area in which the home service provider is authorized by law or contract to provide commercial mobile radio service to the customer.

  • Licensed Service means performance of a service for any consideration using a Licensed Product, or the practice of a Licensed Process. For clarity, research and development of Licensed Products by Licensee, its Affiliates, or a Sublicensee does not constitute a Licensed Service.

  • Licensed Nurse means an Oregon licensed practical or registered nurse.

  • Licensed Products means tangible materials which, in the course of manufacture, use, sale, or importation, would be within the scope of one or more claims of the Licensed Patent Rights that have not been held unpatentable, invalid or unenforceable by an unappealed or unappealable judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction.

  • Products and Services means the products and/or services to be sold by Vendor hereunder as identified and described on Attachment A hereto and incorporated herein, as may be updated from time to time by Vendor to reflect products and/or services offered by Vendor generally to its customers.

  • Licensed User means an employee, contractor or agent of Client who is authorized by Client to access and use the Licensed Software, to whom a password and user ID has been issued by Client and whose access to the Licensed Software has not been terminated, suspended or surrendered.

  • Licensed producer means a person or entity licensed to produce medical cannabis.

  • Licensed Programs means, collectively, NeoSystems’ and any Third Party Vendor computer software programs to be provided to Client for use on certain hardware on Client’s premises or a third party’s premises as set forth in an Agreement. The Licensed Programs shall include any fixes, work-arounds, updates, revisions, modifications, enhancements and any derivative works that are provided to Client by NeoSystems under an Agreement.

  • Licensed System means, collectively:

  • Licensed Processes means processes which, in the course of being practiced, would be within the scope of one or more claims of the Licensed Patent Rights that have not been held unpatentable, invalid or unenforceable by an unappealed or unappealable judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction.

  • Finished Services means complete end-to-end services offered by CenturyLink to wholesale customers or retail End User Customers. Finished Services do not include Unbundled Network Elements or combinations of Unbundled Network Elements. Finished Services include Access Services, private lines, retail services, and resold services.

  • Sublicense Revenues means all revenue, in whatever form but excluding sublicense royalties, earned by the Licensee in consideration of its granting a Third Party a sublicense to make a Licensed Product including, without limitation, receipt of annual milestone attainment, sublicense issuance, maintenance or up-front payments, or technology access fee; and issuance of securities or real, personal or intangible property.

  • Net Sales Revenue shall have the meaning as set out in Schedule "A"

  • Hemp products means all products made from industrial hemp,

  • Licensed Business means the activities connected with the conveyance of

  • Sublicense Revenue means any payments or other consideration that CTI actually receives from a Sublicensee as consideration for the grant of a Sublicense, including, without limitation, milestone payments, license fees, license maintenance fees and equity. Sublicense Revenue excludes (i) purchases of equity or debt of TGTX, (ii) payments made for GTX’s performance of any research, Development, or Commercialization of any Licensed Product, (iii) (b) royalties on Net Sales (or, in the case of a profit sharing deal structure, shares of net profits) which are covered in Section 5.9, and (iv) any payment or reimbursement of any costs or expenses incurred by TGTX for filing, prosecution, maintenance, or defense of any DFCI Patents. In the event such consideration received from a Sublicensee is not cash, Sublicense Revenue shall be calculated by TGTX based on the fair market value of such consideration, at the time of the transaction, assuming an arm’s length transaction made in the odinary course of business.

  • Adult exploitation means the illegal use of an incapacitated adult or his resources for another's

  • Licensed Product means any method, process, composition, product, service, or component part thereof that would, but for the granting of the rights set forth in this Agreement, infringe a Valid Claim contained in the Licensed Patents.

  • Sales Revenue means receipts from the sale, lease, or rental of goods, services, or property;

  • Hosted Services means the hosting, management and operation of the computing hardware, ancillary equipment, Software, firmware, data, other services (including support services), and related resources for remote electronic access and use by the State and its Authorized Users, including any services and facilities related to disaster recovery obligations.

  • Licensed Program means the executable processing programs of licensed information, which is composed of various modules in the Licensed Software package provided by the Licensor.

  • Sublicensees as used herein in either singular or plural shall mean any person or entity other than an AFFILIATED COMPANY to which Company has granted a sublicense under this Agreement.

  • Licensed Site means a place in any authorised street at which street trading may be engaged in by a Licence Holder, and includes any temporary alternative place approved by the Council or a duly authorised Officer of the Council.

  • Licensed Software includes error corrections, upgrades, enhancements or new releases, and any deliverables due under a maintenance or service contract (e.g., patches, fixes, PTFs, programs, code or data conversion, or custom programming).

  • License Key means a unique key-code that enables Licensee to run Software subject to the obtained User Pack.