Limiting Age definition

Limiting Age means the maximum age to which a Dependent Child may be covered. The Limiting Age is the age of twenty-six (26).
Limiting Age means the maximum age to which a Dependent Child may be covered. The Limiting Age is the age of twenty-six (26). Low Vision means a significant loss of vision but not total blindness. Ophthalmologists and optometrists specializing in Low Vision care can evaluate and prescribe optical devices and provide training and instruction to maximize the remaining usable vision for Members with Low Vision.
Limiting Age means: (1) for active employees, pertaining to excepted benefits, as defined in this Rule 1.02, the age a child loses

Examples of Limiting Age in a sentence

  • The Subscriber is responsible for notifying the Exchange of any changes in the status of a Member as a Qualified Individual or his or her eligibility for coverage, except when the Dependent Child reaches the Limiting Age.

  • The coverage of a Dependent will terminate if a Dependent Child reaches the Limiting Age or if there is a change in their status or relationship of the Dependent to the Subscriber, such that they no longer meet the eligibility requirements of this Agreement.

  • All covered Dependent Children are eligible up to the Limiting Age of twenty-six (26).

  • The Subscriber provides CareFirst BlueChoice with proof of the Dependent Child’s mental or physical incapacity within thirty-one (31) days after the Dependent Child reaches the Limiting Age for Dependent Children.

More Definitions of Limiting Age

Limiting Age means the maximum age up to which an eligible child may be covered under this Evidence of Coverage as stated in the Eligibility Schedule. Medical Child Support Order means an "order" issued in the format prescribed by federal law and issued by an appropriate child support enforcement agency to enforce the health insurance coverage provisions of a child support order. An "order" means a judgment, decree or a ruling (including approval of a settlement agreement) that:
Limiting Age means the maximum age to which an eligible child may be covered under this Evidence of Coverage as stated in the Eligibility Schedule. Medical Director means a board certified physician who is appointed by CareFirst. The duties of the Medical Director may be delegated to qualified persons. Medically Necessary or Medical Necessity means health care services or supplies that a Health Care Provider, exercising prudent clinical judgment, renders to or recommends for, a patient for the purpose of preventing, evaluating, diagnosing or treating an illness, injury, disease or its symptoms. These health care services or supplies are:
Limiting Age means the Certificate Anniversary that follows the Covered Person's 95th birthday. The Face Amount of Insurance ends at this point. The Cash Value and associated rights remain. No further premium payments are permitted beyond this date. However, loan repayments are allowed. LOAN ACCOUNT refers to the account to which We transfer the amount of any loan from the Fixed and Sub-Accounts. Interest is credited to this account. See LOANS.
Limiting Age means the maximum age to which an eligible child may be covered under this Evidence of Coverage as stated in the Eligibility Schedule. Medical Child Support Order ("MCSO") means an "order" issued in the format prescribed by federal law and issued by an appropriate child support enforcement agency to enforce the health insurance coverage provisions of a child support order. An "order" means a judgment, decree or a ruling (including approval of a settlement agreement) that:
Limiting Age means the age specified in the Benefit Program Application at which coverage is au- tomatically terminated for covered unmarried children.
Limiting Age means the age specified in the Benefit Program Application at which coverage is automatically terminated for covered unmarried children.

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