Line Operator definition
Examples of Line Operator in a sentence
Exhibit 'D' (Westinghouse 'E' Line Operator as per photo 500581A, dated 12/13/67) Operators may be shipped as per this Exhibit except all external wiring, all greenfield, all greenfield connectors and the magnetic locks shall be removed.
Where the operations referred to hereunder are performed or provided on a Bank Holiday or outside the relevant mid week periods, the Line Operator shall pay the overtime charges detailed in Part II of this Schedule of Charges in addition to the operational charges detailed in Part I hereof.
ISPS charge: Nil In the event that the level of security threat at the Terminal increases at any time thereafter, the Terminal Operator reserves the right to raise the matter with the Line Operator and then to charge the Line Operator an additional charge proportional to the increased costs incurred by the Terminal Operator thereby.
Other work undertaken for the Line Operator during Overtime shall be subject to prior agreement and charged for according to the cost of labour plus the appropriate surcharge.
An employee in a Line Operator or Mixer position will be paid a premium in addition to their regular hourly rate of pay in the amount of fifty ($0.50) cents per hour effective January 1, 2023 and one dollar ($1.00) per hour effective January 1, 2027 for time scheduled and actually worked as a Line Operator or Mixer.
Individually, collectively, or in any combination an owner, partner, shareholder, officer, employee, driver, independent contractor, individual, or agent of a Permit Holder, Operator, Resort Transportation Service, Cruise Line Operator, Tour Operator, Destination Management Company or other person who engages in Ground Transportation Operations within the Port Jurisdictional Area.
This term shall also include the transportation related activities of a Vehicle for Hire Driver, Starter, Courtesy Vehicle Operator, Destination Management Company, Resort Transportation Service Provider, Cruise Line Operator, Tour Operator, Rental Car Operator, Off-Port Parking Operator, and a Person performing “Meet and Greets”.
For the purpose of these Rules and Regulations, a Cruise Line Operator is a Permit Holder.
A CPA authorized area, including self-service kiosks, identified in a contractual agreement or Space Use Agreement where a Transportation Concessionaire, Rental Car Operator, Cruise Line Operator, Resort Transportation Service, or Tour Operator conducts Ground Transportation Operations or provides their services to Passengers.
This term shall also include the transportation related activities of a Vehicle for Hire Driver, Starter, Courtesy Vehicle Operator, Destination Management Company, Resort Transportation Service Provider, Cruise Line Operator, Tour Operator, Rental Car Operator, Off-Port Parking Operator, and a Person performing Meet and Greets.