Examples of Living heritage in a sentence
Living heritage in this study covers the information of a practicing community about who they are and how their past that has formed them.
Living heritage is an irreversible loss, which should be conserved as it brings a sense of belonging and the origin of a nation.
Living heritage provides a sense of belonging and identity to a community and promotes respect for cultural diversity and human creativity.
With the arrivaL of many citizens from Suriname and the AntiLLes afier the Second WorLd War, the stories entered the NetherLands and can be described as vibrant Living heritage today.
According to ICOMOS, cultural tourism was developed to safeguard the historic place and to honor the local inhabitants, while answering to the requirements of the tourists with thoroughly taken-care historic places.Soon after the launched of the Living heritage approach by ICCROM, the methods acknowledged that the significance of conservation object does not merely lay in its construction and appearance, but also in how the people admired and exploited its historic-value possibilities.
The South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) and the relevant legislation (NHRA) require that the following components be included in an archaeological impact assessment: - Archaeology;- Shipwrecks;- Battlefields;- Graves;- Structures older than 60 years;- Living heritage;- Historical settlements;- Landscapes;- Geological sites; and- Paleontological sites and objects.
Living heritage can be conducive to sharing ideas, values and knowledge, thus also tackling stereotypes.
Living heritage is more than just the physical statues, buildings or objects that have been preserved and survived over time.
Drawing from this, SAHRA’s (2010: 17) Policy and Guidelines for Management of Living heritage also confirmed the importance of education by claiming that “educating members of the public is necessary to develop public interest and appreciation of heritage resources” (SAHRA, 2010: 9).
Living heritage can be measures as follows:LevelsLess Satisfactory Support current living heritage in Melaka City.