LNG Quantity definition
Examples of LNG Quantity in a sentence
The Service Provider will use its reasonable endeavours to supply LNG from itself and/or seek offers from other Terminal Users and provide the Customer with a price to increase the Available LNG Quantity, such that the Service Provider is able to meet the Requested Increase (in LNG) and the Customer will confirm as soon as reasonably practicable whether it wishes to increase the Available LNG Quantity at the price provided by the Service Provider.
Key Annexes▪ Annex (a): Form of Access Request and Forms of Capacity Agreements.▪ Annexes (b) and (c): Credit Support Forms.▪ Annex (h): Gas Quantity and Quality.▪ Annex (i): LNG Quantity and Quality.b. Implementing Auction Rules for Annual Capacity Allocation Adriatic LNG will publish the Implementing Auction Rules for Annual Capacity Allocation substantially similar to the Open Season 2021 together with the notice opening the non-binding qualification phase, referred to as “Phase 1”.
The Service Provider will use its reasonable endeavours to supply LNG from itself and/or seek offers from other Terminal Users and provide the Customer with a price to increase the Required LNG Quantity, such that the Service Provider is able to meet the Requested Increase (in LNG) and the Customer will confirm as soon as reasonably practicable whether it wishes to increase the Required LNG Quantity at the price provided by the Service Provider.
Unloaded quantity of LNG Quantity of LNG unloaded from the tanker, determined in accordance with the provisions of clause 6.7. LNG transport set/ tank truck Set adapted for transporting LNG.
International agreements: Montreal and Kyoto protocols and Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).• Nature reserves, tribal populations and rights, and human wildlife conflicts in Indian context.7 hoursUnit IV Human Communities and the Environment1.
Without prejudice to paragraph [7], in case that a Balancing LNG Quantity is transmitted along with an LNG Quantity, any reference in the present article to LNG Quantity or LNG Quantities relates to the sum of LNG Quantity of the LNG User or of the LNG Quantity of more Users and the Balancing LNG Quantity.
The LNG Injection Time is defined as the intervening period, expressed in hours, from the signature of the Notice of Readiness to Discharge to the completion of LNG Quantity Injection at the LNG Facility.
Not later than the first (1st) day of each month in a Contract Year, Seller shall deliver to Buyer its election of the LNG Quantity to be sold and delivered during the next three months (the “Firm LNG Quantity”), such quantity to be not in excess of that established in the Annual Delivery Program.
The LNG Quantity to be injected into the LNG Facility by an LNG vessel, not including any LNG Balancing Gas Quantity and Operational Gas, unless the provisions of the Network Code at any given time specify otherwise.
In the event that an LNG Vessel is transporting two or more LNG quantities, the Operator determines the number of hours in excess for each User by multiplying the integer number of hours in excess of LNG Unloading by the ratio of the Nominated LNG Quantity of the LNG User to the total of the Nominated LNG Quantity.