Examples of Local charge in a sentence
Local charge and momentum conservation hold in the breakup vertex but according to the model, there are no correlations between non-adjacent hadrons in the string’s transverse plane.The one-dimensional string serves as an approximation for a more complex QCD field shape, which may be similar to a thin vortex of a type-II superconductor.
Local charge densities vary because electrons travel much faster than ions.
Local charge compensation induced increased concentrations of holes and Fe4+, favoring p-type conductivity near the anode, triggering an electrocoloration change [145,146].
Local charge distribution of iron atoms nd(n) for U = 0 (LDA limit) and U = 9 eV and J/U = 0.05, 0.06, 0.075 (Gutzwiller-DFT) for optimal lattice parameters.In contrast to Hund’s first rule, Sm(J) decreases as a function of the Hund’s-rule coupling J.
The need to understand what intelligence is and the role it can play in management and decision making can help leaders better utilize this tool.
A repackager may return a nonsaleable product to the manufacturer or repackager, or to the wholesale distributor from whom such product was purchased, or to a person acting on behalf of such manufacturer, repackager or wholesale distributor, including a returns processor, without providing the information required under paragraph 61N-1.032(1)(b), F.A.C. (b) Saleable or Nonsaleable Product.
Local charge accounts will be maintained for purchases by Environmental Services at establishments to be approved by the Director of Finance and Administration, who will administer a list of persons authorized to charge at those establishments.
Local charge displacements of more than 100 µm in all three coordinates are observed.
According to available data, the total annual load of organic pollution from industrial sources in the Mediterranean region is about 2.5 million tonnes of BOD and 53,000 tonnes of TOC (France, Italy and Spain).
Repealer.This act repeals:Section 11-26-3, Local charge on certain revenues of public utility or telephone service suppliers -- Notice and hearing requirements.Section 21.