Examples of Loss notification in a sentence
Mike Norton - CenturyLink said CenturyLink Retail only uses EASE for the one process of Loss notification otherwise Retail works directly in Ensemble and other platforms.
The Supplier, upon receipt of the Settlement Sum, shall reimburse the Customer all of the Rentals paid by the Customer between the Total Loss notification date and the date of receipt of the Settlement Sum.
The LLUO will receive a Loss notification informing them of the cease.
JWB conducted their site visit last and we have included their report as an attachment to this board packet.
The UG will send out the Loss notification to the Losing Operator upon completion of the LLU order.In the case of ULMP orders only, the AP may need to notify a CPS service provider of the loss of CPS service.
The UG will send out the Loss notification to the Losing CPS Operator upon completion of the LLU order.
This pin shall be NC on module.3.3VGPv2 platform does not support these features.PLN#IReserved for Power Loss notification.
Loss notification shall be made to the employer as soon as possible.
Upon receipt of Loss notification, we may appoint Surveyors / Investigators / Experts as per prevalent acts / notifications or any other service provider to make safe the risk and prevent or minimize further losses.
When they receive the Settlement Sum, the Supplier must reimburse the Buyer all of the Rentals paid by the Buyer between the Total Loss notification date and the date of receipt of the Settlement Sum.