Examples of Pretrial Assessment Services in a sentence
The problem is one of proxies,94 a phenomenon wherein other valid features can be use of pretrial risk assessment information, and fails to place any meaningful limitations on the discretion of Pretrial Assessment Services to detain individual defendants.”).
The law prohibits Pretrial Assessment Services from releasing persons who meet certain conditions.If a person is not released, the law authorizes the court to conduct a pre-arraignment review and release the person.
The indication is, however, one factor that may beconsidered by Pretrial Assessment Services or the court when determining the person’s custody status in subsequent proceedings.(d) If the person is arrested on a misdemeanor warrant, the determination of the person’s custody status shall start with the procedures set forth in Section 1320.8. If the person is arrested on a felony warrant, the determination of the person’s custody status shall start with the procedures set forth in Section 1320.9.
However, with some exceptions, persons arrested or detained for a misdemeanor will be booked and released without submitting to a risk assessment.The law authorizes Pretrial Assessment Services to release those assessed as being a low risk on their own recognizance.
The law also requires a superior court to adopt a rule authorizing Pretrial Assessment Services to release persons assessed as being a medium risk on their own recognizance.
The total program funding requested is $43,000 and would fund: Moral Reconation Therapy ($4,100), Pretrial Supervision Services ($32,096) and Pretrial Assessment Services ($6,804).
If SB 10 is implemented there will be a third point of release: Pretrial Assessment Services will have the authority to release low-risk defendants prior to arraignment.
New Hampshire Chris Sununu (2018), https://www.governor.nh.gov/news-media/press- 2018/20180703-sb556.htm (last visited May 2, 2019).requires courts to use pretrial risk assessments and significantly reduces the use of cash bail in California.3The new law requires California courts to establish pretrial assessment services so that, as of October 1, 2019, persons arrested and detained will be subject to a pretrial risk assessment conducted by Pretrial Assessment Services.