Examples of Lower income families in a sentence
Lower income families (below $40 000) are out of the market completely; only at around $60 000 is there capacity to purchase, but then this applies only in outer suburbs and growth areas.
Lower income families will likely be subject to a flat dollar amount penalty.
Lower income families spend a higher percentage of their total income on essentials like food and shelter, and in many cases, may depend on the earnings of children to provide for these basic needs.
Lower- income families may agree to in-home interviews but may be more likely to respond negatively to invitations that require more active participation to secure consent (like attending an information session at a specified venue) with no guaranteed return.
Lower income families should benefit as visiting open space is a free activity everyone can do.
Lower income families spend more on basics (including food) and higher income families can afford a greater proportion on non-food items.
Lower income families find themselves saddled by monthly housing costs at an even higher rate.
Lower income families are less likely to use early education and center-based care compared to higher income families (Coley et al., 2014).
In the event the resident’s income fluctuates and returns to a lower level and within the stated income limits, Housing Nantucket will reevaluate the resident’s household income and take appropriate action to make an adjustment to the rent according to the change in household income.
Lower- income families are economically worse off now than a few years ago.The economic recession has had significant impact in New Hampshire and many people are struggling financially.