Examples of Major Improvement Area in a sentence
Although the commands may be given concurrently by the players, each player controls a different area of the map, which is divides in two sec- tions.
O-2020-032- Approving The Issuance And Sale Of "City Of Fate, Texas, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2020 (Williamsburg East Public Improvement District Major Improvement Area Project)" And Approving Various Documents Related To Such Bonds.
On February 20, 2018, the Town approved the issuance of the Phase #1 Refunding and Improvement Bonds, the Improvement Area #2 Refunding and Improvement Bonds and the Major Improvement Area Refunding Bonds.
The Major Improvement Area Refunding Bonds are being issued to refund the pro rata portion of the 2014 Major Improvement Bonds relating to Phase #2B, Phase #3B, and Phase #4 and are secured by the Assessments shown on the Major Improvement Area Assessment Roll.
Development of Improvement Area #1 is anticipated to include approximately 43 40’ single family homes, 59 50’ single family homes, and 52 60’ single family homes.The Major Improvement Area includes approximately 110.125 contiguous acres located within the corporate limits of the City, as more particularly described by the legal description on Exhibit D-3 and depicted on Exhibit A-3.