Examples of Mandated Licensee in a sentence
The Mandated Licensee is responsible for the operation and maintenance of any fibre cables installed between the Termination FDF and the Requested Location pursuant to this clause 7.
In other words, SingTel need only offer access to the connectivity points/locations within the SingTel Exchange Building specified by the Mandated Licensee.
The Mandated Licensee is responsible for the operation and maintenance of any fibre cables installed pursuant to this Schedule.
The amount in respect of any claim shall be paid to the Mandated Licensee in the form of a rebate.
Requesting Licensees may obtain such Mandated Service by entering into a Network Access Agreement with the Mandated Licensee.
In its RAO, the Mandated Licensee must offer the Mandated Services specified in the Appendix to this Code.
A Requesting Licensee may obtain any Mandated Service by entering into an Individualised Access Agreement with a Mandated Licensee.
Any Licensee may enter into a Network Access Agreement with a Mandated Licensee, pursuant to which the Licensee may obtain any Mandated Service for the provision of any domestic Basic Letter Service and/or Direct Mail Service to recipients in Singapore, including domestic delivery of inbound international Basic Letters and/or Direct Mail.
In section 5, unless the context otherwise requires, “Individualised Access Agreement” means a Network Access Agreement negotiated on an individualised basis between a particular Requesting Licensee and a particular Mandated Licensee.
The Mandated Licensee acknowledges that a failure to make a claim within the specified timeframes under this paragraph means that the Mandated Licensee waives any entitlement to the Service Level Guarantee payment in respect of that claim.