Examples of Market Cap in a sentence
All the relevant percentage ratios are found to be inapplicable or produce anomalous results except for the Market Cap Test.
Pursuant to Rule 10.03(8) of the ACE LR, if XY Bhd pays for the land in cash, the Market Cap Test will not be applicable.
However, if the payment for the land is settled by issuance of XY Bhd’s new listed shares (partly or wholly) and the percentage ratio of the same pursuant to the Market Cap Test is 5% or more, XY Bhd will be required to comply with the relevant provisions of Part D, Chapter 10 of the ACE LR.
In addition, Parent Index Full Market Cap Adjustment Factor (FMCAF) = 0, when Counterpart Security is not in Parent Index.
Broad Market or Market Cap Index ETFs. The blackout periods will not apply to any purchase or sale of ETFs that track the broad market (e.g., S&P500, EAFE) or market capitalizations (e.g., Russell MicroCap, Russell Small Cap).