Market Notice definition

Market Notice means a notice provided by the Operator to Venue Users generally concerning the operation of the PVM Oil Futures OTF, including without limitation any change to the OTF Rules.
Market Notice means a notice provided by the Operator to Participants generally concerning the operation of the Tullett Prebon Europe MTF, including without limitation any change to the MTF Rules.
Market Notice means a notice provided by the Operator to Venue Users generally concerning the operation of the ICAP EU OTF, including without limitation any change to the Venue Rules.

Examples of Market Notice in a sentence

  • For the purpose of the Bank of England Market Notice dated 30 November 2010 "defaults" is defined as properties having been taken into possession.

  • For the purpose of the Bank of England Market Notice dated 30 November 2010 "defaults" is defined as properties been taken into possession.

  • For the purposes of the Bank of England Market Notice dated 30th November 2010 "defaults" is defined as properties having been taken into possession.

  • ERCOT shall provide a Market Notice prior to implementation of a revised parameter value.

  • The CAISO may reinstate EIM operations after a temporary suspension of EIM participation by an EIM Entity by issuing a Market Notice announcing the intended reinstatement no less than 5 days in advance of the reinstatement date.

More Definitions of Market Notice

Market Notice means a notice provided by the Operator to Participants generally concerning the operation of the TP ICAP UK MTF, including without limitation any change to the MTF Rules.
Market Notice means a notice to operate a market in a newspaper published in the City of Hobart pursuant to section 189 (2) of the Local Government Act 1993 (Tas);
Market Notice means a communication sent by or on behalf of the Exchange to all Subject Persons as described in Rule 312.
Market Notice means a notice or notices published by the Bank from time to time relating to the CCFF;
Market Notice means a notice published by the Exchange on its Web Site. “Market Price” has the meaning set forth in Rule 541(c)(ii).
Market Notice means a notice published by the Exchange on its Web Site. “Matched Session” has the meaning set forth in Rule 539.
Market Notice means an announcement published on the Turquoise Website; and emailed to relevant recipients’ containing important and relevant market updates;