Market Sensitive Information definition

Market Sensitive Information means information concerning the Company that a reasonable person would expect to have a material effect on the price or value of its securities or information which causes the market to maintain the price of security at or about its current level when it would otherwise be expected to move materially in a particular direction, given price movements in the market generally or in the Company’s sector.
Market Sensitive Information means information related to reg- istered entities, or their participation in the cap and invest program that is not otherwise publicly available, and for which ecology deter- mines that the public interest in disclosure is outweighed by the pub- lic interest served by maintaining the confidentiality of such infor- mation, on the basis that its disclosure would be reasonably expected to have an effect on the price or value of allowances or offset cred- its and/or enable a registered entity to engage in market manipulation such as bidder collusion, market cornering, or extortion of other mar- ket participant. "Market sensitive information" does not include data reported under chapter 173-441 WAC, except to the extent that the dis- closure of such data for a particular emission year at any time prior to November 15th of the following calendar year would enable a regis- tered entity to engage in market manipulation. "Market sensitive in- formation" also does not include anonymized information about the con- tents of registered entities' holding accounts that is publicly dis- played pursuant to RCW 70A.65.090 (7)(b), except to the extent that the disclosure of such information that is less than 45 days old would enable a registered entity to engage in market manipulation.
Market Sensitive Information means information concerning the Company’s business, operations or performance which has a significant effect on securities investment decisions or information which causes the market to maintain the price of security at or about its current level when it would otherwise be expected to move materially in a particular direction, given price movements in the market generally.

Examples of Market Sensitive Information in a sentence

  • Data Recipient agrees not to provide or disclose any Market Sensitive Information as identified in the WECC Information Sharing Policy to any person who is (1) a Market Function Employee as defined by the FERC Standards of Conduct, or (2) actively and personally engaged in day-to- day sales of electric power or other electric power marketing functions.

  • If at any time during the term of this Agreement Data Recipient or an employee of Data Recipient has a change in job responsibilities such that Data Recipient or an employee of Data Recipient becomes a Market Function Employee, Data Recipient agrees to ensure that Data Recipient or such an employee of Data Recipient discontinues accessing or using any Market Sensitive Information as identified in the WECC Information Sharing Policy.

  • Recipient who (1) have signed a non-disclosure agreement that covers the Non-Public Information and is at least as restrictive as this Agreement, and (2) need the Non-Public Information for the work being performed subject to the limitation on Market Sensitive Information below.

  • All other parties in this proceeding shall not be granted access to Market Sensitive Information, but shall instead be limited to reviewing redacted versions of documents.

  • To the extent Market Sensitive Information is not returned or destroyed, it shall remain subject to the Nondisclosure Agreement.

More Definitions of Market Sensitive Information

Market Sensitive Information means information of a precise nature the publication of which is likely to have a significant effect on the prices of assets or prices in the financial markets.
Market Sensitive Information has the meaning set forth in Section 5.8.
Market Sensitive Information means information related to reg- istered entities, or their participation in the cap and invest program that is not otherwise publicly available, and for which ecology deter- mines that the public interest in disclosure is outweighed by the pub- lic interest served by maintaining the confidentiality of such infor- mation, on the basis that its disclosure would be reasonably expected
Market Sensitive Information means non-public information of a precise nature which, if made public, is likely to have a significant effect on the price of assets or prices in the financial markets;
Market Sensitive Information means any information concerning Articore or any company in the Articore Group that is not generally available and that a reasonable person would expect to have a material effect (upwards or downwards) on the price or value of Articore’s securities.
Market Sensitive Information means any information concerning Redbubble that is not generally available and that a reasonable person would expect to have a material effect (upwards or downwards) on the price or value of Redbubble’s securities.
Market Sensitive Information means information concerning the Company that a reasonable person