Examples of Massage business in a sentence
Massage business license applicants must complete a criminal history background inquiry through the Sheriff’s Office and have the approval of other public agencies (such as zoning, health, and fire) prior to a license being issued.Possession of a Washoe County massage business license does not allow you to perform massages, unless you also have a valid Nevada State Massage Therapist License.
Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings: (a) Massage means any activity defined in G.S. §90- 622 as “massage” or “bodywork therapy.” (b) Massage business means any establishment or business wherein massage is practiced including establishments commonly known as health clubs, physical culture studios, and massage studios.
Mr. Zhou explained Ms. Wang was involved because she was trying to sell the Ming Massage business.
Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings: (a) Massage means any activity defined in G.S. §90-622 as “massage” or “bodywork therapy.” (b) Massage business means any establishment or business wherein massage is practiced including establishments commonly known as health clubs, physical culture studios, and massage studios.
Massage business insurance can keep some legal protection in true event came a client sues you.