Examples of Master copies in a sentence
Project Log - Master copies of standard logbook sheets shall be supplied to the permittee who shall make sufficient copies and fill them out on a daily basis.
Master copies and dubbing These items relate to the material supporting the audiovisual property rights and the cost of dubbing original versions, respectively.
Master copies of the revised documents are retained as records of the changes and renewed as necessary to ensure clarity.
Master copies of the specifications will be kept by the Board and the Association.
The master copies of National Archives preservation microfilms – other than the Master copies of films made by the Genealogical Society of Utah which are stored at their headquarters in Salt Lake City, USA – are stored in the UK national microfilm storage facility situated in the National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth.
Any kept on site are in special heat-proof safes: fire- proofing alone is inadequate.3. Backups are verified regularly by the software and system supplier.4. Master copies of software are stored off site or in a heat-proof safe.5. Firewalls and virus checkers are kept up to date and running, and users are trained in virus avoidance and detection.6. Computers are protected from physical harm, theft or damage, and from electrical surges using protective plugs.
Master copies of all job descriptions are held on the HR Database, therefore any changes must be sent to HR for review and filing.
Master copies of programs shall become property of FPA and may be disposed of, or used for other purposes, if you do not claim these copies after reasonable attempts have been made to contact you by FPA personnel within a 90 day period.
Master copies of electronic documents must be retained in print form, suitably authenticated by the issuing agency by signature, stamp or other feature acceptable to ADB.
Master copies of all training material should be submitted to the Authority for approval.