Maximum Flow Rate definition
Examples of Maximum Flow Rate in a sentence
Any Authority request to exceed an Agency's Maximum Flow Rate Capacity will not be to the detriment of, or harm, any Agency.
In no event will any Agency be required to comply with any Authority request to temporarily exceed its Maximum Flow Rate Capacity.
Agencies complying with an Authority request to exceed their Maximum Flow Rate Capacity will not be charged capacity exceedance fees, nor will any such exceedance count as an Agency’s first exceedance under Section 11(b) above.
Each Agency will own an undivided portion of the Authority Facilities proportional to each Agency's Maximum Flow Rate Capacity as set forth in the Fixed Operation and Maintenance Costs allocation in Schedule B.
If the Agency(ies) seeking Maximum Flow Rate Capacity increase disagrees with the General Manager's determination, the cost of engaging a professional engineer will be borne solely by that Agency(ies).