Examples of Maximum Usage in a sentence
Licensee shall implement reasonable controls to ensure that it does not exceed the Maximum Usage.
Company reserves the right to include and employ means within the Software to limit and/or monitor Licensee to the Maximum Usage.
Appendix A illustrates the Projected Maximum Usage of Sulfuric Acid needed by the DEP Water Treatment Facility identified in Section 1.3. The quantities are estimates and for bidding purposes only.
Available at:http:// www.un.org/ar/roadsafety/pdf/roadsafetyreport.
Provided that such excess usage is not disputed by Client, the Licence Fees will be increased by reference to the highest number of excess Users recorded by the Licensor during the relevant quarter ("Excess Users"), and the Maximum Usage Limit for the remainder of the relevant Licence period shall be increased to reflect the Excess Users (the "Adjusted Maximum Usage Limit").