Examples of MCLE Regulations in a sentence
Classroom courses include any type of activity that is considered an 'Accredited CLE Activity' as that term is presently defined under the State Bar of Texas MCLE Regulations and Accreditation Standards.
Chair John Boyce and staff liaison Nancy Smith called in to report that the MCLE Committee has proposed changes to the MCLE Regulations regarding changing the accreditation fee schedule.
You should refer to Section 8 (A)(4)(e) of the attached MCLE Regulations and Guidelines to ensure that your course materials meet CLE Board standards.
MCLE CommitteeDavid Smith(Tab 6)Action: Consider and discuss approval of proposed amendments to the Minimum Continuing Legal Education "MCLE" Regulations pertaining to related fee increases in the MCLE Program 12.
Any Tandem SAR shall be transferable only when the related stock option is transferable and with the related stock option.
Any attorney removed from the Master Roll for failure to comply with Article IV, Rule 3 and the MCLE Regulations, may be reinstated in accordance with Article IV, Rule 3.9 and MCLE Regulations §§ 1.3.9(c) and/or (d).
ATTORNEY APPLICANT INFORMATION:Applicant’s full name: Applicant’s State Bar number: Applicant’s eligible category: (please select one)Mentor MenteeApplicant’s requested MCLE hours*:*Rounded to nearest .25 hours 0.00Participatory hours, of which0.00is ethics.Texas MCLE Regulations Rule 2.1.1.d authorizes group participatory credit (up to 5.0 hours, of which 1.0 hour will be classified as ethics) for participating as a mentor or mentee in a State Bar accredited mentorprogram.
Mentor programs shall be submitted to the MCLE department in accordance with MCLE Regulations, Sections 10.2 and 10.8; and Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.5", Hanging: 0.5", Tabs: 2", LeftFormatted: Bullets and Numberinge.c teaching, lecturing or speaking in the position of a part-time faculty in any law school which is approved by the American Bar Association, except as to the minimum requirements for CLE in legal ethics and professional responsibility (Article XII, Section 4F).
Andy Kerr moved for approval of the amendments to MCLE Regulations, Section 5.1, 5.1.1 – Faculty Exemptions; Sections 10.3.2 and 10.3.5 Accredited Sponsor Application and Renewal Fees, and Section10.8.5 regarding exemptions to the accredited sponsor fee; Tom Riney seconded.
At no time will Customer modify any Equipment, the firmware contained therein, or permit repairs to be performed uponEquipment by persons other than DSL’s authorized service technicians during the Equipment Warranty Period, as described below.