Examples of Medically Underserved Areas in a sentence
Medically Underserved Areas and Populations Medically Underserved Areas and Populations (MUA/Ps) are designated by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) based on an “Index of Medical Underservice (Index).” The Index includes the following variables: ratio of primary medical care physicians per 1,000 population, infant mortality rate, percentage of the population with incomes below the poverty level, andpercentage of the population age 65 or over.
Documentation needed for Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs), HPSA Facility Designations, Medically Underserved Areas (MUAs), and Medically Underserved Populations (MUPs).
Note how many full and partial Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) and full and partial Medically Underserved Areas (MUAs) the service area contains.
The purpose of the DC Health Professional Loan Repayment Program (HPLRP), hereafter referred to as the Program, is to recruit and retain primary care providers to serve in Health Professional Shortage and Medically Underserved Areas of the District.
Loan repayment will be offered to allied health professionals employed at public health agencies or in health care settings located in Health Professional Shortage Areas, Medically Underserved Areas, or with Medically Underserved Populations.
Technical Report 03-NTSTM111-03: Center of Excellence for Remote and Medically Underserved Areas, July 31.
Technical Report 02-NTSTM104-02: Center of Excellence for Remote and Medically Underserved Areas, July 30.
The area or site where the physician will be practicing is in, or serves one or more of the following:• Federally Designated Primary Care or Mental Health Professional Shortage Area(s) - HPSA• Medically Underserved Area(s) - MUA, or• Medically Underserved Population(s) - MUP Instructions:To identify if a facility is located in a HPSA, MUA or MUP (or is designated as a HPSA) go to:• https://data.hrsa.gov/tools/shortage-area/by-address Enter the address under consideration.
Also, we edited and clarified language throughout the brochure; any language change not shown here is a clarification that does not change benefits.Program-wide changes• Alaska has been added to the list of Medically Underserved Areas for 2012; South Carolina has been removed from the list.
An underserved area means that a federal, state or local agency has deemed the area as underserved (for example: Health Professional Shortage Areas or Medically Underserved Areas).