Resources and Services. The independent study option is to be substantially equivalent to in-person instruction and students who choose to engage in independent study are to have equality of rights and privileges with students in the regular school program. Students will be offered access to resources, including, but not limited to instructional materials, appropriately credentialed teachers, academic and nonacademic staff, and equipment and internet connectivity to enable them to adequately participate in their program and complete assigned work. Additionally, academic and other supports (academic intervention, addition teacher meetings, required in person learning, and/or counseling) may be provided to address the needs of pupils who are not performing at grade level, or need support in other areas, such as English learners, individuals with exceptional needs in order to be consistent with the pupil’s individualized education program or 504 plan, pupils in xxxxxx care or experiencing homelessness, and pupils requiring mental health support. Independent Study is an optional educational alternative in which no student may be required to participate; traditional classroom instruction has been offered and is always available. In the case of expelled students (Education Code §48915) and/or students whose expulsion has been suspended (Education Code or §48917), the student has been offered the alternative of classroom instruction.
Resources and Services. HathiTrust provides a variety of resources and services. Current resources and services include:
Resources and Services. The independent study option is to be substantially equivalent in quality, quantity, and intellectual challenge to classroom instruction. Pupils who choose to engage in independent study are to have equality of rights and privileges with the same access to existing services and resources as pupils in the regular school program. Notification regarding expulsion or suspended expulsion: Instruction may be provided for a pupil that has been expelled EC 48915 (expulsion) or 48917 (suspended expulsion) through independent study only if the pupil has the continuous choice of classroom instruction EC 51747(c)(7); 5 CCR 11700(d)(2)(B) School Responsibilities: Pupil Responsibilities:
Resources and Services. This exhibit was revised by Finance and OMS to reflect any changes to the mental health, developmental, and substance use disorder services provided or contracted by the CSBs. This document is completed through CARS and reflects any changes made to services or funding for FY21. Nothing to sign or return, please keep for your records.
Resources and Services. The independent study is to be substantially equivalent to classroom instruction, and students who choose to engage in independent study are to have equality of rights and privileges with students in the regular school program. Student will be provided with resources, including materials, personnel, internet connectivity, and devices adequate to participate in the educational program and complete assigned work. Student will have access to the following resources: Required textbooks for the class, other materials identified on assignment form, Chromebook, Wi-Fi hotspot if needed, access to digital library, access to the supervising teacher for assistance with assignments and instruction. Choose one: Student will provide computer or device. District will provide computer or device as identified above. Choose one: Student will provide internet access. District will provide internet access as identified above. When district property is damaged due to the willful misconduct of a student or other person, the district shall seek reimbursement of damages, within the limitations specified in law, from the parent/guardian of a minor child or from any other responsible individual. Likewise, if the property was willfully defaced, damaged, or lost when the student is 18 years old or emancipated, except current or former homeless and xxxxxx youth students, then the district may collect debt owed by a student or former student as a result of vandalism or to cover the replacement cost of district books, supplies, or property loaned to a student that the student willfully fails to return or that is willfully cut, defaced, or otherwise injured. (Board Policy 3515.4, Education Code 48904, 49014)
Resources and Services. The IoT6 architecture must provide generic mechanisms to enable IoT6 applications to discover and manage heterogeneous resources. To achieve that, common schemes for identifying and modeling IoT6 resources are needed as well as a resolution infrastructure to associate them with things. Concretely, IoT6 architecture needs a generic identification scheme that permits to address and find heterogeneous IoT6 resources. To solve this problem in the Internet the domain name system (DNS) has been proposed to assign and resolve unique and universal identifiers for network devices. However, DNS is not adapted to the computation limitations of IoT6 devices and the need of discovering specific properties of an IoT6 resource. Moreover, a common resource modeling is essential to the discovery and look- up of IoT6 resources. Although there are solutions to model sensor networks, they were developed for specific devices and applications. Below, we present the main functionalities implementing IoT6 Resource and Services: • Resolution: IoT6 resource repository maps an identifier for an IoT6 device to its address or location to enable communication with the IoT6 device. • Look-up: The IoT6 resource repository maps the identification of an IoT6 resource including the network address of the device to a high-level resource identifier. The identifier of an IoT6 resource and its recent information are stored in a directory where IoT6 applications and services can access. Unified information models are required to improve the accessibility for IoT6 applications and services. • Discovery: The IoT6 resource repository enables finding unknown resources by sending specific queries to IoT6 networks. These queries are often distributed using broadcast or multicast techniques within a local area network or within a predefined range. IoT6 devices in the network answer with the resources requested. In parallel, new IoT6 resources that are connected to the network could be self-registered in the repository at the same time.
Resources and Services. The Independent Study option is to be substantially equivalent in quality and quantity to classroom instruction. Students who choose to engage in Independent Study are to have equality of rights and privileges with the same access to existing services and resources as students in the regular school program.
Resources and Services. Appendix A The statutory partnership contributions to the Service for 2021/22 are as follows: The cost of the criminal exploitation of children and young people places a heavy financial burden on society and by reducing first time entrants to the youth justice system, reducing reoffending and improving outcomes for children and young people, the Youth Offending Service makes a significant contribution to reducing this burden as well as improving life chances of children and young people. The Service now works across the family environment of children and young people at risk of or involved in criminal exploitation or coming into the care system thus providing a wider response to risk posed/need. The Service contacts all identified victims of those young people known to the Service. Direct work with victims includes gathering and listening to their views and experience, providing them with information, supporting the completion of victim impact statements and facilitating access to other services they may need, enabling participation in direct restorative work such as shuttle mediation and restorative conferencing. There is an emphasis on the voice and needs of the victim throughout the work of the service through initial assessment, intervention planning and reviews as well as service delivery including indirect reparative work. In Luton we will continue to use innovation to deliver effective outcomes for children and young people whilst continuing with the development and training with our enthusiastic staff team to ensure that they continue to feel confident to deliver the outcomes. The Service has a strong history of adhering fully to grant conditions with timely submission of data to the YJB, complying with secure estate placement information etc. In 2019, Xxxxx XXX was audited by the Government Internal Audit Agency who delivers an agreed annual audit program to the YJB, which includes an audit of Governance of Grants. This provides the YJB with assurance on how effectively XXXx are using the Youth Justice Grant for the purposes specified in the grant terms and conditions. In summary, the audit reviewed Appendix A both financial and governance controls and found that Luton YOS is operating satisfactory controls to ensure that the grant is being used in accordance with the terms and conditions. This year has seen the continued successful working relationship between Luton Youth Offending Service and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner on va...
Resources and Services. The Manteca Online Academy Independent Study option is to be substantially equivalent in quality and quantity to classroom instruction, and students who choose to engage in independent study are to have equality of rights and privileges with students in
Resources and Services. The Riverside Virtual School, which is an independent study option, is to be substantially equivalent in quality and quantity to traditional classroom instruction, and students who choose to engage at Riverside Virtual School (Independent Study) are to have equality of rights and privileges with students in the regular school program. ASSIGNMENTS & ASSESSMENTS: Objectives for each lesson, methods of study, methods of evaluation, and resources are included within all classes. The Learning Management System (LMS) maintains due dates and pacing for all assignments, and satisfactory educational progress (SEP) is measured against these due dates. Regular progress will be communicated through the Aeries Gradebook as well as individual phone calls as necessary. The grade reporting process will include progress reports every 4-7 weeks. Teachers assign both synchronous and asynchronous coursework and will use the completion of those assignments as a mechanism to determine satisfactory progress.