Medicare Eligible definition

Medicare Eligible means a Tort Claimant or Unknown Tort Claimant who has received, applied for, or is eligible to receive MMSEA and MSPA benefits, and is asserting a Tort Claim or Unknown Tort Claim against the Debtors.
Medicare Eligible means age 65 or older, or such other age at which a member becomes eligible for Medicare benefits under federal law in effect at the time a member applies for an OPERS retirement benefit. For purposes of this Subchapter, age is calculated as of the first day of the month of birth. For example, a member born September 15, 1940, is considered to be 65 and Medicare-eligible on or after September 1, 2005.
Medicare Eligible means a Survivor Claimant who is eligible to receive, is receiving, or has received Medicare benefits.

Examples of Medicare Eligible in a sentence

  • Premium contributions for such policy will not exceed: Medicare Eligible $300 per month $400 per month Non-Medicare Eligible $400 per month $500 per month At no time shall any payment in any amount be made directly to the retiree.

  • Part A Medicare Eligible Expenses for hospitalization are covered to the extent they are not covered by Medicare from the 61st day through the 90th day in any Medicare Benefit Period.

  • Part A Medicare Eligible Expenses incurred for hospitalization are covered to the extent not covered by Medicare for each Medicare lifetime inpatient reserve day used.

  • These costs are paid from the Medicare Eligible Retiree Health Care Fund (MERHCF).

  • Usually, a Claim is Incurred when a Medicare Eligible Expense is received by a Covered Person.

  • We will pay for benefits for Medicare Eligible Expenses incurred by You due to Accidental Injury or Sickness.

  • If You are not participating in Medicare Part B, this Contract will pay Part B related benefits described below as if You were enrolled in Medicare Part B and Medicare Part B had paid its benefits; payment will be based upon the Allowable Charge for the Medicare Eligible Expenses.

  • The reverse is also true.If this special rule applies, You or your Medicare Eligible Dependent can switch to a GuideStone Medicare coordinating health plan.

  • Upon exhaustion of the Medicare Part A Hospital inpatient coverage, this Contract will pay Part A related benefits for three hundred sixty five (365) days as described below as if You were enrolled in Medicare Part A and Medicare Part A had paid its benefits; payment will be based upon the amount Medicare would have paid for Medicare Eligible Expenses.

  • The Copayment amounts may change on January 1 each year.Deductible – the portion of Medicare Eligible Expenses which You must pay during a Benefit Period before inpatient Hospital claims (Medicare Part A) are paid by Medicare and which You must pay during the Calendar Year before medical claims (Medicare Part B) are paid by Medicare.

More Definitions of Medicare Eligible

Medicare Eligible. Individuals mean those Individuals eligible for payment of charges for services rendered or supplies sold to them under Medicare.
Medicare Eligible or “Medicare Eligible Individual” is one who meets the requirements set forth in 42 CFR § 422.5 and/or 42 CFR §423.30, as applicable.
Medicare Eligible or “Medicare Eligibility” means eligible to enroll in Medicare based on age (rather than, e.g., disability), pursuant to the current Medicare law and regulations, whether or not an individual actually enrolls in Medicare. If the eligibility age changes under Medicare law, then the age for Medicare Eligible under the Plan will adjust correspondingly. A Surviving Spouse must provide documentation to the Trust Office of ineligibility for Medicare in order to avoid the termination of benefits under Section 3.4(b) hereof.

Related to Medicare Eligible

  • Medicare benefit means the Medicare benefit payable within the meaning of Part II of the Health Insurance Act 1973 with respect to a professional service.

  • Medicare eligible expenses means expenses of the kinds covered by Medicare Parts A and B, to the extent recognized as reasonable and medically necessary by Medicare.

  • Medicare means the “Health Insurance for the Aged Act,” Title XVIII of the Social Security Amendments of 1965, as then constituted or later amended.

  • Eligible veteran means an individual who is certified by the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs as meeting all of the following conditions:

  • Eligible Dependent means a child of an Eligible Retiree who satisfies the requirements for eligibility described in the Eligibility section of this document.

  • Medicaid means that government-sponsored entitlement program under Title XIX, P.L. 89-97 of the Social Security Act, which provides federal grants to states for medical assistance based on specific eligibility criteria, as set forth on Section 1396, et seq. of Title 42 of the United States Code.

  • Health care coverage means any plan providing hospital, medical or surgical care coverage for

  • Medicare Advantage plan means a plan of coverage for health benefits under Medicare Part C as defined in 42 U.S.C. 1395w-28(b)(1), and includes:

  • Medicare Provider Agreement means an agreement entered into between CMS or other such entity administering the Medicare program on behalf of CMS, and a health care provider or supplier under which the health care provider or supplier agrees to provide services for Medicare patients in accordance with the terms of the agreement and Medicare Regulations.

  • Health care worker means a person other than a health care professional who provides medical, dental, or other health-related care or treatment under the direction of a health care professional with the authority to direct that individual's activities, including medical technicians, medical assistants, dental assistants, orderlies, aides, and individuals acting in similar capacities.

  • Health care plan means any contract, policy or other arrangement for benefits or services for medical or dental care or treatment under:

  • Retiree Health Plan means an "employee welfare benefit plan" within the meaning of Section 3(1) of ERISA that provides benefits to individuals after termination of their employment, other than as required by Section 601 of ERISA.

  • Medicare Levy Surcharge means an extra charge payable by high income earners beyond the standard Medicare Levy if they do not have qualifying private hospital insurance coverage. This charge is assessed as part of an individual or family’s annual tax return.

  • Retiree means any person who has begun accruing a retirement

  • Retirement Eligible means that the Participant has either attained age 55 and completed ten (10) years of Service as an Employee or attained age 60 and completed five (5) years of Service as an Employee.

  • Health Plans means any and all individual and family health and hospitalization insurance and/or self-insurance plans, medical reimbursement plans, prescription drug plans, dental plans and other health and/or wellness plans.

  • Eligible patient means an individual who meets all of the following conditions:

  • Enrolled Nurse means a person registered by the Board as an enrolled nurse.

  • TRICARE means, collectively, a program of medical benefits covering former and active members of the uniformed services and certain of their dependents, financed and administered by the United States Departments of Defense, Health and Human Services and Transportation, and all laws applicable to such programs.

  • Medicare cost report means CMS-2552-10, the cost report for electronic filing of

  • Health care system means any public or private entity whose function or purpose is the management of, processing of, enrollment of individuals for or payment for, in full or in part, health care services or health care data or health care information for its participants;

  • Health care entity means any health care provider, health plan or health care clearinghouse.

  • Health care service means that service offered or provided by health care facilities and health care providers relating to the prevention, cure, or treatment of illness, injury, or disease.

  • Family day care home means a unit registered under Title 5, Subtitle 5 of the Family Law Article.

  • Family child care home means a private home in which 1 but fewer than 7 minor children are received for care and supervision for compensation for periods of less than 24 hours a day, unattended by a parent or legal guardian, except children related to an adult member of the household by blood, marriage, or adoption. Family child care home includes a home in which care is given to an unrelated minor child for more than 4 weeks during a calendar year. A family child care home does not include an individual providing babysitting services for another individual. As used in this subparagraph, "providing babysitting services" means caring for a child on behalf of the child's parent or guardian if the annual compensation for providing those services does not equal or exceed $600.00 or an amount that would according to the internal revenue code of 1986 obligate the child's parent or guardian to provide a form 1099-MISC to the individual for compensation paid during the calendar year for those services.

  • Medicare Select issuer means an issuer offering, or seeking to offer, a Medicare Select policy or certificate.