Method blank definition
Examples of Method blank in a sentence
Method blank values that are below the associated LLOQ will also be qualified with a J flag and a <QL qualifier to indicate they are estimated values detected below the QL.
The water remained in MC for few (2-3) minutes after which its DTT activity was measured by the analytical system.5 Method blank (particle-free) was determined by connecting a HEPA filter upstream of MC and running it for one hour.
Method blank analyses are used to assess acceptance of sample results.
The following items should be included when using USEPA Methods: Initial calibration; Daily calibration/continuing calibration; Laboratory control spike; Internal standards; Surrogates; Method blank; and Field blank.
Method blank levels are considered acceptable if they are consistent with SW-846.
Method blank samples will be analyzed to ensure that no sources of contamination are present.
Method blank analytical results are assessed to determine the existence and magnitude of contamination problems associated with sample extraction (if applicable) and analysis.
Method blank levels should be below these levels (quantitation limits) for all analytes.
Method blank sample results will establish a baseline response and indicate the presence of contamination in glassware and equipment, and cross contamination from samples containing high concentrations of target parameters or interfering substances.
Laboratory blank—See Method blank Laboratory control sample —See Ongoing precision and recovery (OPR) standard Matrix spike (MS)—A sample prepared by adding a known quantity of organisms to a specified amount of sample matrix for which an independent estimate of target analyte concentration is available.