midnight and “Midnight Hours” refer to work hours that begin on or after 8:00 p.m. but before 6:00 a.m.
midnight. , in relation to a day, shall mean the last moment of that day; “misdemeanour” shall mean a délit;
midnight. , in relation to a day, shall mean the last moment of that day;
More Definitions of midnight
midnight in reference to a day, means the point of time at which that day ends;
midnight means as of any date, 12:00 midnight, or 00:00 Universal Time, in New York, New York.
midnight means Midnight Oil Exploration Ltd.;
midnight means the last moment of a given day occurring before commencement of the next day. For example, a date of ‘Midnight on December 31, 2016’ would mean the last moment occurring after 11:59:59pm on December 31, 2016 before the date becomes January 1, 2017.
midnight means as of any date, 12:00 midnight, or 00:00 Universal Time, in New York, New York. “NAIC Annual Statement” is defined in Section 6.2(a).
midnight means Midnight Oil Exploration Ltd., a corporation incorporation under the ABCA;