Military spouse definition
Examples of Military spouse in a sentence
Military spouse retirement plan eligibility credit for small employers.
See OAC 158:1-3-10 for provisions related to the application of substantially equivalent education, training, and experience completed as a member of the Armed Forces or Reserves of the United States, National Guard of any jurisdiction, the Military Reserves of any jurisdiction, or the Naval Militias of any jurisdiction toward satisfying the qualifications for examination and license issuance.(b) Military spouse applicant – equivalency.
Admission without Examination, prior failure of the Michigan bar examination 35MCL 600.947 Military spouse, admission to the bar, requirements 35MCL 600.947a Admission of military spouse to state bar; events requiring notice to board of law examiners 36Introduction These Policy Statements are a memorialization of the practices, policies, and procedures adopted by the Board of Law Examiners.
In either case, the government would seem to be establishing a policy in furtherance of the public’s best interests.
Since the survey time period overlapped the implementation of the Military Lending Act 5 2010 Military Family Lifestyle Survey, Blue Star Families,, Falls Church, VA.6 2010 Military Family Lifestyle Survey, Blue Star Families,, Falls Church, VA.7 Military spouse unemployment rate of 26 percent is more than twice the national average.