Examples of Minimum Return Amount in a sentence
The Triggering Event for a Program Withdrawal is a net change in your Root Account balance, after the posting of all your Root Account activity for a Business Day, that causes it (exclusive of any amounts that we credit as advances in anticipation of a Program Withdrawal) to be less than the Target Balance by more than the Minimum Return Amount.
The Triggering Event for a Program Withdrawal is a net change in the Transaction Account balance, after the posting of all your Transaction Account activity for a Business Day, that causes its balance (exclusive of any amounts that we credit as advances in anticipation of a Program Withdrawal) to be less than the Target Balance by more than the Minimum Return Amount.
For the avoidance of doubt, in determining the Minimum Return Amount received by the Lender, all payments of principal and interest shall be included in the calculation for determining whether the Minimum Return Amount shall have been achieved.
If and to the extent, Idenix is obligated to remit such Minimum Return Amount, such amount will then be credited against Sales Payments which become due in each of the next succeeding quarterly periods until such Minimum Return Amount has been fully applied.
If, as of the 31st day of December of the seventh calendar year after the commercial launch of an HCV Product in the later of the United States or a Major EU Country, the aggregate Sales Payments made for all Products do not equal or exceed $12 million, Idenix, shall, within 60 days thereafter, remit to UABRF the Minimum Return Amount.