Examples of Minor activity in a sentence
Minor activity proposal from faculty is sanctioned by the Principal on case to case basis and onlymajor proposals are discussed in the TEQIP funding committee.3.1.2 – Teachers awarded National/International fellowship for advanced studies/ research during the yearTypeName of the teacher awarded the fellowshipName of the awardDate of awardAwarding agency Dr.Y.M.Ghugal (applied mech)1.Recipient of outstanding Reviewer Award from Elsevier Publisher, UK., 20192.
Our assumption is each sprint will last for one week.Table 9-1: Activity plan S1: Sprint 1, W45: Week 45thMajor activity: Dedicated team members assigned for the task and will be focus for the sprint Minor activity: This can be done along with major activity and not the main focus of the sprint Optional activity: They are not predictable at time of planning but might happen during the sprint.
Fishing Minor activity within the community, mostly for domestic use.
If it has not been seen before, the node will request the transaction by sending a GETDATA message.
For instance, Capgemini, Onet.pl & Partners, PZU, Trans.eu, Wroclaw Technology § Branch of Ride4Cents.org** Minor activity of administrators; last update of the Rules of Procedure was in 2006.Park, WSB in Wroclaw are using InOneCar.com (previously - Otodojazd.pl).