Examples of Mitigated DNS in a sentence
The decision following environmental review, which may result in a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS), Mitigated DNS, or the necessity for an EIS is called a threshold determination.
Similarly, an Environmental Checklist leads to a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS), a Mitigated DNS (MDNS), if significant impacts can be alleviated through project conditions, or a Determination of Significance (DS) and Scoping Notice to draft an EIS.
The decision following environmental review, which may result in a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS), Mitigated DNS, or a DS and the necessity for an EIS is called a threshold determination.
The Hearing Examiner issued its findings on December 28, 2020.A Mitigated DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2), requiring an additional 14-day comment period and public notice.COMMENTSThe SEPA comment period previously occurred concurrent with the Notice of Application dated March 09, 2018.
A DNS containing mitigation measures may simply he labeled a "DNS" (as in the form in WAC 197-11-970), and is not required to be formally titled or referred to as a "Mitigated DNS." Mitigation measures that are included in a decision must be documented (see Section 19 below).
The decision following environmental review, which may result in a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS), Mitigated DNS, or the necessity for an EIS is called a threshold determination.
If a proposal is modified/clarified after the Checklist is prepared but before the threshold determination is made, the responsible official may issue a Mitigated DNS (MDNS), including such conditions that would mitigate any probable adverse environmental impacts made possible by the original proposal.
A DNS containing mitigation measures may simply he labeled a "DNS" (as in the form in WAC 197-11- 970), and is not required to be formally titled or referred to as a "Mitigated DNS." Mitigation measures that are included in a decision must be documented (see Section 19 below).
This appeal period will be extended for an additional seven (7) days if the appeal is of a DNS or Mitigated DNS under WAC 197-11-340(2)(a).
You must notify Ecology once the SEPA lead agency has issued a final decision following any comment period.If Yes: Type of SEPA threshold determination issued: Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) Mitigated DNS (MDNS) Determination of Significance (DS) Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Other: • Date when SEPA comment period ended or will end: .