Respite definition
Examples of Respite in a sentence
Respite services are required to meet Outcome 1 and participate in satisfaction surveys.Once the outcomes and processes have been determined for all the consumers in the sample, a review team then determines which of the 20 outcomes and processes are present for the provider.
Respite care services are services provided to the member that give temporary relief to the usual caregiver and provide all the necessary care that the usual caregiver would provide during that period.
Respite care services means an organized program of temporary supportive care provided for 24 hours or more to a person in order to relieve the usual caregiver of the person from providing continual care to the person.
Respite Care: When Hospice Care is provided primarily in the home, such care on a short- term Inpatient basis in a Medicare certified Skilled Nursing Facility will also be covered when the Hospice considers such care necessary to relieve primary caregivers in the Covered Person's home.
Standards for Admission, Transfers, Respite, Crisis Placements, Exits, and Closure.