Examples of Mobility tool in a sentence
Mobility tool allows Beneficiary Organisations to manage all this information in a coherent and meaningful manner.
VHB employees are not medical professionals and the Healthy Mobility tool is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Please title your mail "Mobility tool 20xx-xxxx" (= project agreement number).
Axhausen (2007) Mobility tool ownership and mode choice decision processes in multi-agent transportation simulation, paper presented at the 7th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, September 2007.Ciari, F., M.
In the current research, there are also data available whether the participants are registered in the Mobility tool as a person with fewer opportunities or with special needs.
The SUMO (Simulation of Urban Mobility) tool (Lopez et al., 2018) was used to simulate traffic in this study.
Mobility tool ownership is one of if not the most important driver of mobility tools usage.
The cost of living increase will occur at least in line with Government recommendations.
Účastnícihodnotia svoju zamestnaneckú mobilitu ústne po príchode na metodických zamestnaniach, prostredníctvom článkov na webovej stránke alebo v časopise Zóna10 a prostredníctvom dotazníka v Mobility tool.
The reminder of 20% of the grant will be paid to the student after the mobility period is over, but only if the student has completed the survey available through the Mobility tool.