Model calibration definition
Examples of Model calibration in a sentence
Model calibration focused on three main areas: hydrology, sediment and water quality.
Model calibration using the observation of the presence/absence of TreMs (likelihood function (16)) or the observation of the number of TreMs on trees (likelihood function (17)) gave very close results.
Model calibration constants Rλ and key wavelengths used in the modelling.
Model calibration is a means of adjusting or fine tuning model parameters to match with the observed data as much as possible, with limited range of deviation accepted (Neitsch et al., 2002).
Model calibration is defined as using site-specific measurements from a specified time period of time to adjust the appropriate model parameters to obtain an agreement between the measured data set and model calculations.
Model calibration and uncertainty analysis are useful when using models for pre- dictions or forecasts (Melsen, 2017); yet, when using a model as a conceptual tool, less accurate numerical agreement between simulations and observations are required (Seibert, 1999) and a calibration period is not as important.In this project, we did not seek to make accu- rate predictions, but to provide what-if future scenarios and use the model results in the work- shops.
Model calibration determines the best or at least a reasonable, parameter set while validation ensures that the calibrated parameters set performs reasonably well under an independent data set.
Model calibration in each iteration was performed based on the approach explained earlier.
Model calibration for the studied period results in a satisfactory fit with TSS concentration measurements (E=0.55, cf.
Model calibration involves the process of periodically adjusting the mass appraisal formulas, tables and schedules to reflect current local market conditions.