MTBE definition
Examples of MTBE in a sentence
Samples shall be analyzed for petroleum contamination constituents (total constituent analysis) in accordance with CP – 51/Soil Cleanup Guidance, Gasoline and Fuel oil, Tables 2 and 3 using USEPA Method 8260 for volatile organics and methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) and USEPA Method 8270 for base/neutrals.
Where mixtures of only ethers are present, the retailer may post the predominant oxygenate followed by the phrase “or other ethers” or alternatively post the phrase “contains MTBE or other ethers.” In addition, gasoline-methanol blend fuels containing more than 0.15 mass percent oxygen from methanol shall be identified as “with” or “containing” methanol.
Their claim was that California banned MTBE in an arbitrary manner.
POEs for MTBE are: water supply wells that are used for human consumption and surface water features that are used for human consumption.
Beginning June 1, 2003, the director shall not permit the use of the additive methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) in this state.(6) The director shall establish standards pursuant to this act to ensure the purity and quality of diesel fuel sold or offered for sale in this state.