Examples of MULTIPLE REPRESENTATIONS in a sentence
MULTIPLE REPRESENTATIONS OF WHAT?orTHE FUZZY NATURE OF SPATIAL DATA1Robert Weibel Department of Geography University of Zurich (Irchel)Winterthurerstr.
All members who have successfully completed the prescribed firearm training are expected to maintain their firearm competency by means of annual maintenance shooting exercises.
Uses shall not be located inside a building containing residential units, including transient housing such as motels or dormitories.
Pro b l e mAnotńer Way to Solve Example 4, page 709 MULTIPLE REPRESENTATIONS In Example 4 on page 709, you found theoretical probabilities involving the sum of two dice.
A MULTIPLE REPRESENTATIONS TRANSLATION MODELAfter reviewing a number of theories about multiple representations, this study em- phasizes investigating particularly students’ ability to use the given representational mode for solving problems, and to make translations among the representational modes.
IMPACT OF MULTIPLE REPRESENTATIONS IN DISCRIMINATOR STo show the impact of multiple embedded representations in discriminator while keeping the ex- pressive power of discriminator the same for fair comparison, we propose to apply S embedded presentations with each embedded vector of length d = dmax where dmax denotes the total length of representations.
Soft contraband includes, but is not limited to, “nuisance” items that do not pose a direct and immediate threat to safety or security, but which have the potential to create dangerous or unsanitary conditions in the facility (e.g., excess papers that create a fire hazard; food items that are spoiled or retained beyond the point of safe consumption).
For more information, please contact lib-ir@fsu.edu THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF EDUCATION EFFECTS OF SPATIAL VISUALIZATION AND ACHIEVEMENT ON STUDENTS’ USE OF MULTIPLE REPRESENTATIONS BY Evrim Erbilgin A thesis submitted to the Department of Middle and Secondary Educationin partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Degree Awarded Summer Semester, 2003The members of the committee approve the thesis of Evrim Erbilgin defended on June 10, 2003 Maria L.
MULTIPLE REPRESENTATIONS can also support partial failure, by replacing standard representations with more memory efficient designs.An alternative to failing the component that needed the memory is to use the CAPTAIN OATES pattern and fail a different and less important component.