Success means that the Client’s claim is finally decided in his or her favour, whether by a court decision or an agreement to pay damages or in any way that results in the Client deriving a benefit from pursuing the Claim.
Reward means any goods, services, benefits, arrangements or other privileges (including, without limitation, miles on participating airline frequent flyer programs, payment of annual Cardmembership fees or rebate), as may be determined by the Bank in its reasonable discretion, which may be redeemed or obtained by the use of Points under the Program; and S$ means the lawful currency of the Republic of Singapore.
Rewards means any Merchandise Reward, Travel Reward, Gift Card Reward or Account Credit Reward that is available in this Program; and
stake means the funds with which a player enters the game; Eff 10/30/2008
Reciprocity means the reciprocal grant by one jurisdiction of operating rights or privileges in properly registered vehicles registered by another jurisdiction, especially but not exclusively including privileges generally conferred by vehicle registration.
Sexual motivation means that one of the purposes for which
Promote means to engage in such activities.
Incentives means those payments made by the Program Administrator to Customers pursuant to the Program and these Terms and Conditions.
Competitors means any Person who is not an Affiliate of a Loan Party and who engages (or whose Affiliate engages), as its primary business, in the same or similar business as a material business of the Loan Parties.
Marketplace means an online directory, catalog or marketplace of applications that interoperate with the Subscription Services.
Improve means to build, alter, repair, or demolish an improvement upon, connected with, or beneath the surface of any real property, to excavate, clear, grade, fill, or landscape any real property, to construct driveways and roadways, or to perform labor upon improvements.
Superior means Superior Plus Corp.
Interests when used herein shall have the respective meanings specified in the Declaration of Trust of the Trust.
Key means any device designed and constructed to provide a method of operating a locking system which is designed and constructed to be operated only by that device.
Viability means that stage of human development when the life of the unborn child may be continued by natural or life-supportive systems outside the womb of the mother;
Stakeholders means the company’s employees, the employees of its subsidiaries, and other individuals, groups, communities or entities whose rights or interests are or could be affected by the products, services and operations of that company, its subsidiaries and its business relationships;
Sub-consultants means an entity to whom/which the Consultant subcontracts any part of the Services while remaining solely liable for the execution of the Contract.
Growth means the rating a school will receive based on longitudinally matched student data comparing current performance to the previous year’s for the purpose of determining student academic growth.
SCCs means the standard contractual clauses for the transfer of Personal Data to third countries pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, and implemented by the European Commission decision 2021/914, dated 4 June 2021.
Supervisors means employees who primarily perform supervisory functions, including the requirement to make recommendations regarding any staff or personnel matter. These staff or personnel matters include, but are not limited to, such areas as selection, promotion, appraisal, discipline, transfer, staffing needs, work methods, changes in terms and conditions of employment, grievances, or the interpretation and administration of the applicable Collective Agreement. “Supervisors” includes employees in other employee classifications who perform supervisory functions.
Executive Management means the CEO and the CFO for purposes of administering this Plan.
Workforce means employees, volunteers, trainees or other persons whose performance of work is under the direct control of a party, whether or not they are paid by that party.
Colony means a hive and its equipment and appurtenances, including bees, comb, honey, pollen, and brood.
Backsiphonage means the flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances into the potable water system from any source other than its intended source, caused by the reduction of pressure in the potable water system.
DBE means the Diocesan Board of Education for the diocese within which the Academy is situated;
Legitimate Purpose means sharing of UPSI in the ordinary course of business or on a need-to-know basis. The Company may share the UPSI if required in the interest of the Company.