NAIC liquidity stress test framework definition

NAIC liquidity stress test framework means the separate NAIC publication, which includes a history of the NAIC’s development of regulatory liquidity stress testing, the scope criteria applicable for a specific data year, and the liquidity stress test instructions and reporting templates for a specific data year, the scope criteria, instructions and reporting template being as adopted by the NAIC and as amended by the NAIC from time to time in accordance with the procedures adopted by the NAIC.
NAIC liquidity stress test framework means a separate NAIC publication, which includes a history of the NAIC’s development of regulatory liquidity stress testing, the scope criteria applicable for a specific data year, and the liquidity stress test instructions and reporting templates for a specific data year, such scope criteria, instructions, and reporting template as adopted by the NAIC.
NAIC liquidity stress test framework means a separate NAIC

Examples of NAIC liquidity stress test framework in a sentence

  • Insurers that do not trigger at least one threshold of the scope criteria are considered scoped out of the NAIC liquidity stress test framework for the specified data year, unless the Director, in consultation with the NAIC Financial Stability Task Force or its successor, determines the insurer shall be scoped into the framework for that data year.

  • These documents include the annual ORSA,10 the state insurance regulator’s written assessment of the ORSA, results from its examination activities, the Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure, financial analysis memos, risk assessments, material risk determinations, material transaction filings (Form D), the insurance holding company system annual registration statement (Form B), submissions for the NAIC liquidity stress test framework, and other state supervisory material.

  • Insurers meeting at least one threshold of the scope criteria are considered scoped into the NAIC liquidity stress test framework for the specified data year unless the Director, in consultation with the NAIC Financial Stability Task Force or its successor, determines the insurer shall not be scoped into the framework for that data year.

  • To avoid having insurers scoped into and out of the NAIC liquidity stress test framework on a frequent basis, the Director, in consultation with the Financial Stability Task Force or its successor, shall assess this concern as part of the determination for an insurer.

  • Any change to the NAIC liquidity stress test framework or to the data year for which the scope criteria are to be measured shall be effective on January first of the year following the calendar year in which such changes are adopted.

More Definitions of NAIC liquidity stress test framework

NAIC liquidity stress test framework means a NAIC publication that includes:
NAIC liquidity stress test framework means a separate NAIC publication that includes a history
NAIC liquidity stress test framework or "Framework" means an NAIC publication that includes a
NAIC liquidity stress test framework or “framework” means a NAIC publication which includes a history of the NAIC’s development of regulatory liquidity stress testing, the
NAIC liquidity stress test framework means the NAIC publication which includes a history of the
NAIC liquidity stress test framework means a NAIC publication that includes: (a) a history of the NAIC's development of regulatory liquidity stress testing;
NAIC liquidity stress test framework means the separate NAIC publication