Reporting Templates. When reporting to the Province, the Recipient will use the templates provided by the Province (if any). For clarity, the Province may request supporting documentation from the Recipient as part of the Reports submitted as described in this schedule.
Reporting Templates. The reporting template(s) will be determined once funding has been approved.
Reporting Templates. Template 1 - Provider Tangible Property Inventory Form Template 2 - SAMH Block Grant Reporting Template Template 4 - Managing Entity Annual Business Operations Plan Template 6 - Behavioral Health Network Participant Forms Template 7 - BNet Alternative Service Forms Template 8 - Discontinued 11/3/2016 Template 9 - Local Match Calculation Form Template 10 - Managing Entity Monthly Fixed Payment Invoice Template 11 - Managing Entity Monthly Progress Report Template 12 - Managing Entity Monthly Expenditure Report Template 14 - Cost Allocation Plan Template 15 - Managing Entity Spending Plan for Carry Forward Report Template 16 - Women's Special Funding Report Template 17 - Discontinued Effective 7/1/2020 Template 18 - Discontinued Effective 5/18/2017 Template 19 - PFS Drug Epidemiology Network (DEN) Report Template 20 - CMHSOC Reporting Template Template 21 - Care Coordination Monthly Report Template 22 - Forensic Mental Health Services Report Template 23 - Forensic Diversion Report Template 24 - CCP Invoice and Expenditure Report Template 25 - Forensic Multidisciplinary Team Report Template 26 - Discontinued Effective 7/1/2021 Template 28 - Mobile Response Team Report Template 29 - FACT Quarterly Report Template 30 - Proviso Project Return on Investment (ROI) Report Template 31 - Clubhouse Supported Employment Report Template 32 - Transitional Voucher Incidental Report
Reporting Templates. Response Time Performance Volume Reporting Front Line Staffing
Reporting Templates. Each partner involved in an action of dissemination of the project should update a brief report of activities, using the templates provided Annex I and II, to describe the action that has been carried out. The tables are then sent to the partners responsible for the dissemination so that an update of all the activities can be made. Inputs will also feed into updates of the Dissemination Plan. The report need to be completed every time a partner takes part of an action in which dissemination of the project is made. For example, it will be completed when a partner attends or organizes a meeting or a press conference, when they send information to the media to achieve the publication of an article. The reporting templates provided in Annex I will be used when a partner performs any of the following tasks: • Attend/organize European/international event 1 Please see xxxx:// • Attend/organize a workshops • Give a seminar • Attend fairs or exhibitions while reporting template in Annex II will be used when partners: • Publish articles in a specialized magazine • Publish articles in a local/regional/national magazine or newspaper • Carry a communication campaign • Release press conference, blog posts etc. • Provide general information to consumers BIOPOOL project has started with the aggregation of data available from eight biobanks across Europe. However, members of BIOPOOL are active in contacting biobanks worldwide to invite them, under a set of conditions agreed by the consortium, to collaborate with the project taking part of the virtual histological database network. The aim is to double the number of initial biobanks providing their pools, up to sixteen at the end of project. In the last month the project Coordinator, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, has established contacts with a number of Biobanks, both within Europe and outside Europe. These biobanks may be invited to a meeting in which they will illustrate their potential contribution to BIOPOOL project.
Reporting Templates. Response Time Performance Volume Reporting Front Line Staffing Appendix 4: Allocating the Severity Assessment Code (SAC Score) Appendix 5: Serious and Sentinel Events Quarterly Reporting Template
Reporting Templates. Reference Title Description Table 6: Data Set Templates Reference Title Description Table 7: OBFM Table 8: Deed Clauses Deed Clause Purpose FSA Schedule
Reporting Templates. When reporting to the Province, the Recipient will use the templates provided by the Province (if any).
Reporting Templates. The reporting templates attached to this Schedule “F” are samples only. Unless HSC directs otherwise, the Service Manager must comply with the reporting formats and reporting requirements included. Those formats and requirements may vary from the attached reporting templates.