National Electricity Rules definition

National Electricity Rules has the meaning given under the National Electricity Law;
National Electricity Rules means the National Electricity Rules.
National Electricity Rules means the National Electricity Rules which govern the operation of the National Electricity Market and are made under the National Electricity Law (National Electricity (South Australia) Act 1996) as applied in the ACT by the Electricity (National Scheme) Act 1997

Examples of National Electricity Rules in a sentence

  • The National Electricity Rules are amended as set out in Schedule 1.

  • These Rules (the Rules) are called the National Electricity Rules.

  • The National Electricity Rules are amended as set out in Schedule 2.

  • In the event that the National Electricity Rules are inconsistent with the Code, then the National Electricity Rules prevail to the extent of such inconsistency.

  • The National Electricity Rules are amended as set out in Schedule 3.

More Definitions of National Electricity Rules

National Electricity Rules has the meaning given under the National Electricity Law; negotiated connection contract is a contract entered into under section 40DC of the Electricity Act for the provision of customer connection services to premises; negotiated retail contract is a contract entered into under section 55A of the Electricity Act for the provision of customer retail services to premises owned or occupied by a customer;
National Electricity Rules means the rules made under the National Electricity (ACT) Law.
National Electricity Rules means the initial National Electricity Rules made under the NEL and any subsequent rules made by the AEMC under the NEL (including amendments to the initial rules);
National Electricity Rules means the National Electricity Rules made under the National Electricity Law. National Market means the Australian wholesale electricity market operated under the National Electricity Rules.
National Electricity Rules means the code of practice for the conduct of National Electricity Market participants. The National Electricity Rules are developed and maintained by the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) and are enforced by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER).
National Electricity Rules means the Code, as defined in the National Electricity Law;
National Electricity Rules means the Rules approved in accordance with the National Electricity Law;