Examples of NEPA process completion in a sentence
Should the NEPA process result in a project with design concept and scope significantly different from that in the transportation plan or TIP, the project must meet the criteria in Chapter 8, Section 4(i)-(aa) for projects not from a TIP before NEPA process completion.
Conformity must be redetermined for any FHWA/FTA project if none of the following major steps has occurred within the most recent three-year period: NEPA process completion; start of final design; acquisition of a significant portion of the right-of-way; or approval of the plans, specifications and estimates.
Major steps in- clude NEPA process completion; start of final design; acquisition of a signifi- cant portion of the right-of-way; and, construction (including Federal ap- proval of plans, specifications and esti- mates).
Conformity must be redetermined for any FHWA/FTA project if three (3) years have elapsed since the most recent major step to advance the project (NEPA process completion; start of final design; acquisition of a significant por- tion of the right-of-way; or approval of the plans, specifications and estimates) occurred.
A major step is defined in today’s conformity rule as ‘‘* * * NEPA process completion; start of final design; acquisition of a significant portion of the right-of-way; and construction (including Federal approval of plans, specifications and estimates)’’ (40 CFR 93.104(d)).See EPA’s conformity website listed in Section I.B.2. to download an electronic copy of the June 30, 2003 proposal to this final rule and the latest EPA and DOT guidance implementing the court decision.
In accordance with 40 CFR 93.125(c), prior to making a project-level conformity determination for a transportation project, FHWA/FTA must obtain from the project sponsor and/or operator a written commitment, as defined in 40 CFR 93.101, to implement any project-level mitigation or control measure in the construction or operation of the project identified as a condition for NEPA process completion.
Conformity must be redetermined for any FHWA/FTA project if none of the following major steps has occurred within the past three years: NEPA process completion; start of final design; acquisition of a significant portion of the right-of-way; or approval of the plans, specifications and estimates.
Should the NEPA process result in a project with design concept and scope significantly different from that in the transportation plan or TIP, the project must meet the criteria in Sections 10 through 20 for projects not from a TIP before NEPA process completion.
Indeed, contrary to precise probability distributions which encode complete order relations over Ω, interval-based ones encode partial orders in the form ωi<IP ωj in case where ui<lj.
Major steps include NEPA process completion; start of final design; acquisition of a significant portion of the right-of-way; and, construction (including Federal approval of plans, specifications and estimates).