Examples of NEPA process completion in a sentence
Prior to determining that a transportation project is in conformity, the MPO, other recipient of funds designated under Title 23 U.S.C. or the Federal Transit Act, FHWA, or FTA must obtain from the project sponsor and/or operator written commitments to implement in the construction of the project and operation of the resulting facility or service and project-level mitigation or control measures which are identified as conditions for NEPA process completion with respect to local PM10 or CO impacts.
Projects subject to this regulation for which the NEPA process and a conformity determination have been completed by FHWA or FTA may proceed toward implementation without further conformity determinations if one of the following major steps has occurred within the most recent three-year period: NEPA process completion; start of final design; acquisition of a significant portion of the right-of-way; or approval of the plans, specifications and estimates.
Conformity must be redetermined for any FHWA/FTA project if none of the following major steps has occurred within the most recent three-year period: NEPA process completion; start of final design; acquisition of a significant portion of the right-of-way; or approval of the plans, specifications and estimates.
Additionally, HAALSI implemented a common numeracy test called the serial seven task, in which the respondent was asked to subtract seven from 100 in the first step and then continue to subtract seven from the previous number in each subsequent step.
Major steps in- clude NEPA process completion; start of final design; acquisition of a signifi- cant portion of the right-of-way; and, construction (including Federal ap- proval of plans, specifications and esti- mates).
A major step is defined in today’s conformity rule as ‘‘* * * NEPA process completion; start of final design; acquisition of a significant portion of the right-of-way; and construction (including Federal approval of plans, specifications and estimates)’’ (40 CFR 93.104(d)).See EPA’s conformity website listed in Section I.B.2. to download an electronic copy of the June 30, 2003 proposal to this final rule and the latest EPA and DOT guidance implementing the court decision.
Conformity must be redetermined for any FHWA/FTA project if three years have elapsed since the most recent major step to advance the project (NEPA process completion; start of final design; acquisition of a significant portion of the right-of-way; or approval of the plans, specifications and estimates) occurred.
Conformity must beredetermined for any FHWA/FTAproject if three years have elapsed since the most recent major step to advancethe project (NEPA process completion; start of final design; acquisition of a significant portion of the right-of-way; or approval of the plans, specifications and estimates) occurred.
Projects subject to this regulation for which the NEPA process and a conformity determination have been completed by DOT may proceed toward implementation without further conformity determinations unless more than three years have elapsed since the most recent major step (NEPA process completion; start of final design; acquisition of a significant portion of the right-of-way; or approval of the plans, specifications and estimates) occurred.
Major steps include NEPA process completion; start of final design; acquisition of a significant portion of the right-of-way; and, construction (including Federal approval of plans, specifications and estimates).