Examples of Nesting Season in a sentence
The permit shall be obtained and the work shall be completed prior to Sea Turtle Nesting Season (May 1st through October 31st).Completeness and Processing of ApplicationThe Natural Resources Department will review the application for completeness.
For a list of primary nesting dates and durations, see USDA, FSA, “Primary Nesting Season Dates and Duration,” June 16, 2020, at https://www.fsa.usda.gov/Assets/USDA-FSA-Public/usdafiles/Conservation/PDF/ Primary%20Nesting%20Season_June_16_2020.pdf.
The Contractor shall be responsible for taking GPS sub-meter recordings of each and every turtle nest present on the Town’s Beach during Turtle Nesting Season.
If requested by the agencies and approved by the City, Consultant shall also coordinate with the agencies based after the 2021 Golden Eagle Nesting Season to determine appropriate next steps for the 2022 nesting season.
Therefore ODSVRA lost the federal nexus needed to renew the Section 7 permit.” 2017 Nesting Season Management Plan.
All species of Marine Turtles which nest on the sand beaches fronting the Atlantic Ocean shall be protected from human interference including beach renourishment, beach front lighting, coastal Construction, mechanical beach clearing, and unregulated vehicular traffic during turtle Nesting Season, in accordance with policies of the Coastal/Conservation Element of the Comprehensive Plan and Section 4.01.09 of this Part for beach lighting requirements.
Some areas of these ponds contain minor amounts of southern cattail (Typha latifolia) and primrose ludwigia (Ludwigia peruviana).According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA), the Primary Nesting Season for Florida is from March 1 through July 15.1 For central Florida counties, FWC acknowledges the wading bird breeding season to occur from March – August.² Bald eagle nesting season in Florida extends from October 1 – May 15.
During monsoon season in the desert areas, storms can also occur in July, August, and September. Nesting Season for Migratory Birds – Depending on specific location and weather patterns, nesting season is generally January 15 through August 31.
The Student Code is available online at: http://admin.illinois.edu/policy/code/ACADEMIC INTEGRITY It is very important that you read this section.
SECTION 3: PROTECTED BIRD SPECIES TABLE 3‐1Special‐Status Species Potentially Occurring in the Project Area Species Statusa Habitat Potential for Occurrenceb Nesting Season Southwestern willow flycatcherEmpidonax traillii extimusFed: E CDFW: EAGFC: E LCR MSCPDense riparian habitats along streams, rivers, and other wetlands, and breeds in stands of dense cottonwood, willow, and tamarisk thickets.Known to occur in the project area as transient (non‐nesting) based on recent years’ protocol surveys.