netting definition
netting means the conversion into one net claim or one net obligation of claims and obligations resulting from transfer orders which a participant or participants either issue to, or receive from, one or more other participants with the result that only a net claim can be demanded or a net obligation be owed;
netting means a meshed fabric which exceeds eight (8) feet in length or width including, but not be limited to seines, weirs, fyke nets, otter trawls, and gill nets.
netting means the determination of the net payment obligations or the determination of the net termination value of settlement obligations between two or more participants within a system;
More Definitions of netting
netting means the determination of net payment obligations between two or more settling participants within a payment clearing house or the determination of the net settlement obligations between two or more settling participants within the payment system;
netting means the determination by Clearing Corporation of net payment or delivery obligations of the clearing members of a recognised clearing corporation by setting off or adjustment of the inter se obligations or claims arising out of buying and selling of securities including the claims and obligations arising out of the termination by the Clearing Corporation or Stock Exchange, in such circumstances as the Clearing Corporation may specify in bye-laws, of the transactions admitted for settlement at a future date, so that only a net claim be demanded, or a net obligation be owed.
netting means the conversion into one net claim or one net obligation of claims and obligations resulting from transfer orders which a participant or participants in a settlement system either issue to, or receive from, one or more other participants in that system with the result that only a net claim or a net obligation remains.
netting means the creation of a single position/ obligation from multiple positions or obligations through the intermediation of Clearing Corporation, which shall be calculated in respect of each Member as the sum of positive positions or obligations owing less the sum of negative positions or obligations owed.
netting means the process of determining whether a particular physical change or change in the method of operation of a major stationary source results in a “net emissions increase,” as that term is defined at 40 C.F.R. § 52.21(b)(3)(i) and in the Wisconsin SIP.
netting means determination of net claim or obligations after setting off or adjusting all the claims or obligations based or arising from mutual dealings between the parties to qualified financial contracts and includes close-out netting;
netting means the superposition of MNNs in two opposite directions (the Netherlands-GB and GB-the Netherlands), in order to release some capacity in the more congested direction for the next allocation step, and “Netted” shall have corresponding meaning;