New Business definition
Examples of New Business in a sentence
Other New Business, if Any, Which Has Arisen Since the Posting of the Agenda and Could Not Have Been Anticipated Prior to the Time of Posting (25 O.S. § 311(9)).
There will still be an opportunity for residents to comment on any business relevant to the Ambridge Area School District under Old and New Business at the end of the meeting.
All interested persons may appear and address the City Council on Unfinished Business, New Business, and Public Hearings at City Council meetings.
If separate discussion is desired by a member of the Council, that item will be removed from the 'Consent Agenda' and placed on the regular agenda as a final item under 'New Business'.
A brief 10 minute interval is permitted after New Business for the media to address Council and ask followup questions related to items on the agenda at that meeting.