Newstart Allowance definition

Newstart Allowance has the meaning given to the term ‘newstart allowance’ by the Social Security Act 1991 (Cth).
Newstart Allowance means newstart allowance under the Social Security Act 1991;
Newstart Allowance has the meaning given to the term ‘newstart allowance’ by the Social Security Act 1991 (Cth). ‘Non-Attendance Report’ or ‘NAR’ means an electronic report sent by You, through Our IT Systems, to DHS notifying of Your assessment that a SS Activity Tested Eligible Job Seeker has failed to attend an Appointment without a Valid Reason or a Reasonable Excuse. ‘Non-Payable Outcome’ means placement of an Eligible Job Seeker into any: Employment in the sex industry, including retail positions; Employment involving nudity; Activities undertaken as part of Work for the Xxxx or any other unpaid work; training course job that involves taking up Employment in another country, regardless of whether the salary is paid in Australian Dollars or by an Australian company; job involving illegal activity; Pre-Existing Employment, unless the requirements for an Upgrade in relation to that Employment are satisfied or the Employment is otherwise allowed in any Guidelines; programme funded by the Australian Government, or a State or Territory government; Recurring Employment; Employment that has already contributed to a claim for an Employment Outcome Payment for a 13 Week Period or a related 26 Week Period for an Eligible Job Seeker in the same Period of Activities; Employment in the same or a similar position vacated in the previous 14 days by an Eligible Job Seeker who attracted an Employment Outcome Payment, unless otherwise agreed by Us; Employment that contravenes Commonwealth, State or Territory legislation or provides terms and conditions of Employment which are inconsistent with the relevant workplace relations laws, or any instrument made under such laws; Employment that pays a commission as either the entire remuneration or part of the remuneration, except where the commission being paid to the Eligible Job Seeker is in addition to an amount which is paid to the Eligible Job Seeker in accordance with any applicable Commonwealth, State or Territory legislation and any applicable modern award or a national minimum wage order; or situation that We may Notify, from time to time, or as specified in any Guidelines.

Examples of Newstart Allowance in a sentence

  • My main job was as a TAFE teacher and I relied on Newstart Allowance payments during holiday periods when there was no work.Centrelink asked me to provide more information about my earnings dating back to 2013.

  • If you are receiving support from DHS through Newstart Allowance, Youth Allowance or Parenting Payment (with participation requirements), there are some extra things that you will have to do.

  • If you are receiving support from Services Australia through Newstart Allowance, Youth Allowance or Parenting Payment (with participation requirements), there are some extra things that you will have to do.

  • Austudy Payment, Newstart Allowance, Parenting Payment (Partnered), Parenting Payment (Single), Widow Allowance, Youth Allowance.

  • The benefits included are Newstart Allowance, Youth Allowance, Widow Allowance, Mature Age Allowance, Partner Allowance, Parenting Payment (partnered), Sickness Allowance, Special Benefit and Austudy.

  • The provision applies to long-term recipients of Newstart Allowance, Sickness Allowance, Partner Allowance, Special Benefit, Widow Allowance, and Youth Allowance (job seeker).

  • Asylum seekers face the same issues but this is further compounded by the fact that they receive 89% of the Newstart Allowance and are not allowed to work or supplement their income.

  • Australia‟s unemployment payments are Newstart Allowance (NSA) and Youth Allowance (YA(Other)) for non full-time students.

  • Despite calls from NGOs, business and unions to increase the Newstart Allowance, governments have steadfastly refused to do so.

  • Of these 9 571 received Family Tax Benefit (FTB) only, with the remaining 39 285 receiving some form of primary income support payment (e.g. Parenting Payment, Newstart Allowance, Age Pension).

Related to Newstart Allowance

  • Retirement allowance means the retirement payments to which a member is entitled.

  • training allowance means an allowance (whether by way of periodical grants or otherwise) payable—

  • NOx Allowance means an authorization to emit a specified amount of NOx that is allocated or issued under an emissions trading or marketable permit program of any kind that has been established under the Clean Air Act or a state implementation plan.

  • Allowance means compensation payable for the performance of special or additional duties;

  • Tenant Improvement Allowance in the maximum amount of $200.00 per rentable square foot in the Premises, which is included in the Base Rent set forth in the Lease; and

  • Credit allowance date means with respect to any qualified equity investment:

  • emission allowance means a financial instrument as defined in point (11) of Section C of Annex I of Directive [new MiFID].

  • Preferred Allowance means the amount a Preferred Provider will accept as payment in full for Covered Medical Expenses.

  • disability living allowance means a disability living allowance under section 71 of the SSCBA;

  • income-related employment and support allowance means an income-related allowance under Part 1 of the Welfare Reform Act 2007;

  • main phase employment and support allowance means an employment and support allowance where the calculation of the amount payable in respect of the applicant includes a component under section 2(1)(b) or 4(2)(b) of the Welfare Reform Act 2007 except in Part 1 of Schedule 1;

  • Special Allowance Payments means payments, designated as such, consisting of effective interest subsidies by the Department in respect of the Trust Student Loans to the Eligible Lender Trustee on behalf of the Trust in accordance with the Higher Education Act.

  • Maximum Applied Water Allowance (MAWA) means the upper limit of annual applied water for the established landscaped area as specified in Section 492.4. It is based upon the area's reference evapotranspiration, the ET Adjustment Factor, and the size of the landscape area. The Estimated Total Water Use shall not exceed the Maximum Applied Water Allowance. Special Landscape Areas, including recreation areas, areas permanently and solely dedicated to edible plants such as orchards and vegetable gardens, and areas irrigated with recycled water are subject to the MAWA with an ETAF not to exceed 1.0. MAWA = (ETo) (0.62) [(ETAF x LA) + ((1-ETAF) x SLA)]

  • PHARMACY ALLOWANCE means the lower of:

  • contributory employment and support allowance means an allowance under Part 1 of the Welfare Reform Act 2007 as amended by the provisions of Schedule 3, and Part 1 of Schedule 14, to the Welfare Reform Act 2012 that remove references to an income-related allowance and a contributory allowance under Part 1 of the Welfare Reform Act 2007 as that Part has effect apart from those provisions;

  • Lease Payments means the rental payments described in Exhibit A hereto.

  • converted employment and support allowance means an employment and support allowance which is not income-related and to which a person is entitled as a result of a conversion decision within the meaning of the Employment and Support Allowance (Existing Awards) Regulations 2008;

  • Utility Allowance means a monthly allowance, as provided by the local public housing authority or as otherwise allowed by HUD rules and the GLO rules, for utilities and services (excluding telephone services) to be paid by the tenant.

  • Disability allowance means monthly payments during

  • refurbishment means repairing of used electrical and electronic equipment as listed in Schedule I for extending its working life for its originally intended use and selling the same in the market or returning to owner;

  • Fixed Allowances For the purpose of this guarantee and for the purpose of establishing compliance with this guarantee, the following shall be used as fixed quantities and allowances: Operational Empty Weight minus Tare, OEW: 350,000 Pounds Takeoff and Climbout Maneuver: Fuel 3,230 Pounds Distance 7 Nautical Miles Usable reserve fuel remaining upon completion of the approach and landing maneuver: 30,000 Pounds

  • Lease Payment means any form of payment, including a land lease, by a public entity to the private entity for the use of a qualifying project.

  • Allowance Date means the date on which a Claim becomes an Allowed Claim.

  • Stipend means a teaching fellowship stipend distributed to

  • Lease Balance means, as of any date of determination, the sum of (a) the Equity Balance (if same has not been paid as of such date)

  • Partial Dependant means a "dependant" as prescribed in paragraph (a) of this subclause who receives a location allowance which is less than the location allowance prescribed in subclause (1) of this clause or who, if in receipt of a salary or wage package, receives less than a full consideration for which the location allowance is payable pursuant to the provisions of this clause.