Valid Reason definition

Valid Reason means a valid reason as specified in any Guidelines.
Valid Reason means a valid and acceptable reason in accordance with any Guidelines.
Valid Reason means the voluntary termination by Executive of his employment (A) within 120 days after the occurrence without Executive's express written consent of any one of the events described in clauses (I), (II), (III), (IV), or (V) below, provided that Executive gives notice to the Company at least 30 days in advance requesting that the pertinent situation described therein be remedied, and the situation remains unremedied upon expiration of such 30-day period; or (B) within 120 days after the occurrence without Executive's express written consent of the event described in clause (VI) below:

Examples of Valid Reason in a sentence

  • The differential remuneration for similar jobs or work of equal value is not permissible.The Worker’s Right of the Immediate Termination for the Valid Reason ARTICLE 24.

  • For the purposes of clause 639.1(b), the Provider must: discuss the Participant’s reasons for the Work Refusal Failure and assess if the Participant has a Valid Reason; create a Work Refusal Failure report and record the details and outcomes required in the Department’s IT Systems; and take any other action specified in any Guidelines.

  • This will provide a strong incentive for Participants to change their behaviour and start to comply.Participants in either phase who refuse an offer of suitable work or fail to start in a suitable job without a Valid Reason will have their payment cancelled for four weeks.

  • Valid Reason Code provided, if:no UPRN,or UPRN is different to the paired SPID if one has been identified.

  • The Worker’s Right of the Immediate Termination for the Valid Reason ARTICLE 24.

More Definitions of Valid Reason

Valid Reason is limited to a circumstance in which it is impossible for the nurse to notify the Hospital or to cause someone else to notify the Hospital on the nurse’s behalf.
Valid Reason means the voluntary termination by Executive of his employment (A) within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the occurrence without Executive's express written consent of any one of the events described in clauses (I), (II), (III), (IV), or (V) below, provided, that Executive gives notice to the Company at least thirty (30) days in advance requesting that the pertinent situation described therein be remedied, and the situation remains unremedied upon expiration of such 30-day period; or (B) within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the occurrence without Executive's express written consent of the event described in clause (VI) below:
Valid Reason means a valid reason for a learner to be absent from school as contemplated in paragraph 13 of this policy.
Valid Reason. Disability Income Letter #1 • Disability Income Letter #2 Letter of Agreement
Valid Reason. The Executive shall have Valid Reason to resign from employment upon the occurrence of any of the following events:
Valid Reason for the purpose of this section means circumstances on the part of the sub-processor that significantly affects or is likely to affect the protection of data subjectspersonal data, such as the new subcontractor failing to comply with obligations imposed on processors under Applicable Data Protection Legislation.
Valid Reason means a sudden change in an eligible rider’s situation, beyond their control, that precludes him or her from travelling at their pre-arranged time.