Australian Government comments ” “ New South Wales Government comments ” “ Victorian Government comments ” “ Queensland Government comments ” “
Australian Government. Additional Category 1 Colonoscopy procedures See Part F: Key Performance Indicators for further information. Table 1.4 KPI 13.3.1 Australian Government – Additional elective procedures and surgeries RHH LGH NWRH MCH Totals Patients waiting pre-2018 $72 906 $54 468 - - $127 375 Overboundary patients under 18 years $4 713 734 $1 192 985 $368 802 - $6 275 521 Cat 2 and 3 overboundaries $4 999 653 $3 008 091 $562 352 - $8 570 097 Totals $9 786 293 $4 255 545 $931 154 - $14 972 993 Patients waiting pre-2018 10 7 - - 17 Overboundary patients under 18 years 1 027 298 95 - 1 420 Cat 2 and 3 overboundaries 798 494 84 - 1 376 Totals 1 835 799 179 - 2 813
Australian Government. Additional Category 1 Colonoscopy procedures RHH LGH NWRH MCH Total Share of $19.97 million NPA funding $1 780 568 $2 451 626 $61 754 $706 052 $5 000 000
Australian Government. At 22 September 2003, the proportion of assessed disability employment support service organisations that had been certified against all standards and key performance indicators by independent accredited certification bodies was 26.1 per cent (108 of 414) of all organisations and 97.3 per cent (108 of 111) of assessed organisations. All 414 disability employment service organisations had registered their intention to be certified by December 2004 against the revised Disability Service Standards and new key performance indicators which were implemented on 1 July 2002. Only certified organisations will receive Australian Government funding from 2005. In 2002-03, different quality assurance monitoring systems were in place in Victoria, WA and Tasmania, but these jurisdictions collected data on similar indicators. ‘Disability services providers’ refer to providers of accommodation support; community support; community access; respite; advocacy, information and print disability; and other support services. The evaluation processes relate to both government and non-government service outlets. In Victoria, 14.4 per cent (271 of 1886) of total service outlets had been independently reviewed (comprehensive and abridged) against the service standards, whereas
Australian Government. Develop and agree jurisdictional targets to deliver on the national target of 2.6% To ensure each jurisdiction including the Commonwealth achieves an appropriate share of the national 2.6% target. Lead DEEWR Contributing agencies APSC PM&C i) Identify appropriate data sources including administrative data to use to develop targets ii) Develop a methodology for setting jurisdictional targets to meet national target of 2.6% May – June 2009 Methodology agreed Measuring and monitoring process agreed Data sources agreed iii) Work with State Governments to identify data sources and gaps and work through any issues iv) Develop ways of measuring and monitoring targets v) Investigate whether the Commonwealth can match jurisdictional targets in each State and Territory vi) seek agreement to methodology and ways of measuring and monitoring target vii) Seek agreement on Commonwealth target Element 4 - Review public sector Indigenous employment and career development strategies to reflect national Indigenous working age population share by 2015
Australian Government. The Australian Government has a strategic interest in linking this Agreement to an overall housing policy that is supported by policies for human services, income support, housing industry policy and urban and regional development. The Australian Government has determined that the Aboriginal Rental Housing Program (ARHP) is to be targeted to rural and remote areas. Currently the Australian Government has responsibility for the provision of Indigenous essential services, municipal infrastructure and municipal services to small communities (beyond the 72 communities serviced by the Northern Territory Government) including outstations or homelands. In meeting its responsibilities the Australian Government will: • Provide funds for Indigenous housing, housing related, essential services, municipal infrastructure programs and services administered in accordance with the Agreement (Refer to Schedule 1). • Subject to Parliamentary appropriation and the terms of the CSHA, provide funds for Indigenous housing and housing related infrastructure, to the Northern Territory Government in accordance with the Agreement (Refer Schedule 1). • Provide information on relevant Australian Government policies, programs and priorities. • Promote coordination with Australian Government linked programs, particularly housing, essential services and municipal infrastructure and services programs. • Work collaboratively with the Northern Territory Government in compiling survey data, including from the National Census, to enable robust reporting on outcomes for Indigenous Territorians across different housing sectors. • Provide timely (within one month of receipt of the satisfactory plan) Ministerial endorsement or approval of the strategic and annual operational plans. • Assess and monitor the performance of the Australian and Northern Territory Governments in achieving outcomes in line with the strategic and annual operational plans. Under this Agreement the Northern Territory Government has responsibility for the delivery of housing services and housing related infrastructure provision to all Northern Territory Indigenous communities.
Australian Government. The Australian Government will coordinate service delivery and development of actions, including those under Shared Responsibility Agreements (SRAs), with identified communities through the Kununurra Indigenous Coordination Centre (Kununurra ICC). The Kununurra ICC will provide: • a point of contact for Australian Government programs and services and resources to the Indigenous people and communities of the East Xxxxxxxxx; and • a primary contact point for the development and implementation of SRAs and RPAswith the communities on behalf of the Australian Government.