Examples of Notice of Eligibility in a sentence
The District is satisfying this notice requirement by directing the employee to the following website, which combines the eligibility notice and the rights & responsibilities notice into a single form: U.S. DEP’T OF LABOR, Notice of Eligibility and Rights & Responsibilities (FMLA), available at http://www.dol.gov/whd/fmla/finalrule/WH381.pdf.
Within five business days after the employee has provided this notice, the Human Resource department will complete and provide the employee with the DOL Notice of Eligibility and Rights.
The request for a hearing must be made by completing the DD Administrative Hearing Request (SDS 0443DD) within the timeframe identified on the Notice of Eligibility Determination.
The CSHCN Services Program Notice of Eligibility gives clients, parents, and providers a quick way to verify CSHCN Services Program eligibility.
Providers are encouraged to ensure that the client signs written notification indicating that the client is being accepted as a private-pay client.Refer to: The “Client Eligibility” computer-based training on www.tmhp.com.The CSHCN Services Program Notice of Eligibility provides the reapplication deadlines that are specific to each client.