Examples of Number of Activities in a sentence
Activity Type National Objective Number of Activities Served Affordable Rental Program LMI 1 Xxxxxxxxx agrees to comply with certain occupancy, rent, and other restrictions under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) and the applicable CDBG-DR regulations.
Title: NASA New Technology Reporting System.OMB Number: 2700–0052.Type of review: Extension of a currently approved collection.Affected Public: Businesses, colleges and university and/or other for-profit institutions.Estimated Annual Number of Activities: 3,372.Estimated Number of Respondents per Activity: 1.Annual Responses: 3,372.Estimated Time per Response: 3 hours.Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 10,116.Estimated Total Annual Cost:$518,191.45.
The following activities will be assisted under the Contract: Activity Type National Objective Estimated Number of Activities Served Multifamily Rental Program LMI 1,530 The Subrecipient will offer a Multifamily Rental Housing program to provide an additional one thousand five hundred thirty (1,530) affordable units for low- to moderate-income households within the City of Houston.
The following activities will be assisted under the Contract: Activity Type National Objective Estimated Number of Activities Served Homebuyer Assistance Program LMI 200 Homebuyer Assistance Program UN 452 The Subrecipient will provide a Homebuyer Assistance Program, which will assist eligible applicant households earning up to one hundred twenty percent (120%) of the area median income (AMI) to purchase a home.
The following activities will be assisted under the Contract: Activity Type National Objective Estimated Number of Activities Served Public Services LMI 300,000 The Subrecipient will provide public services to approximately three hundred thousand (300,000) low to moderate income persons.
The following activities will be assisted under the Contract: Activity Type National Objective Estimated Number of Activities Served Buyout Program LMHI 100 Buyout Program UN 100 The Subrecipient will offer a Buyout Program that will remove approximately two hundred (200) single family or multifamily homes from areas with high flood risk.
DataTitle: Property Inventory Report— Grants with Educational and Nonprofit Entities.OMB Number: 2700–0047.Type of Review: Reinstatement without change.Affected Public: Educational and not-for-profit institutions.Estimated Annual Number of Activities: 238.Estimated Number of Respondentsper Activity: 1.Annual Responses: 238.Estimated Time per Response: 8.33 hours.Estimated Total Annual BurdenHours: 1,983 hours.IV.
Number of Activities held: Total Number of Participants: Coastal Hazards Training events to increase capacity and technical understanding of hazard regulation, vulnerability mapping, and other hazard issues.
Number of Activities held: Total Number of Participants: Coastal Habitat Training events to increase capacity and technical understanding of habitat diversity and function, status and trends, mapping and monitoring, threats, or regulation.
FactorTaskLegend:F: Theoretical FactorO: Factor Operationalization Subject.QualityStructureF: StructureO: Separability Sequentiality Cyclicity DiameterPsychological DistanceF: Social DistanceO: Level of SocialDistanceGranularityF: GranularityO: Number of Activities Number of Gateways Number of Nodes Number of Edges Number of Elements Number of Exec.