Examples of Objective 3C in a sentence
Tasks1) MDE will incorporate the following questions into the local government questionnaire (listed under Objective 3C), which will be used in each county to identify local issues:Question 6.
Objective 3C Identify inconsistencies between local-level development requirements and development restrictions within the regulatory permit process A listing of all relevant county level wetland and waterway regulations has been compiled (Table III -2).
Objective 3C: Continue to identify and acquire or create additional data sets as required to support Washington County's comprehensive planning efforts.
This task will be completed early in the data collection timeline to ensure the field data collection process is providing adequate information and to test the workflow before additional data is collected.• Objective 3C: Customized Data Processing ManualTask 3C: The City’s Consultant will create a data processing manual that will direct City staff on how to process field data from the field collection geodatabase to the City Infrastructure Geodatabases.
These members believe that SOSI and the new SCSIA will do a very good job of meeting SFFAC 1, Objectives, Objective 3B, “Whether future budgetary resources will likely be sufficient to sustain public services and to meet obligations as they come due.” These statements will also contribute to meeting Objective 3C, “Whether government operations have contributed to the nation’s current and future well being.” A108.
Objective 3C of the General Municipal Plan states "To provide for the orderly development of major commercial corridors along arterial roadways".
For instance, whereas the common view is that there is a rationale for capacity payments in electricity markets, this does not mean that capacity payments should be granted in all cases, particularly so in cases in which enough capacity already exists or in which energy market prices already provide enough incentives for firms to invest.
Objective 3C: Facilities Planning Continue to incorporate sustainability into College facilities planning.
Objective 3C: Evaluate the current staffing and composition of the District's core programs.
The Development Plan is a legal document that sets out the overall strategy for the development of the city up to the year 2020.Further to Objective 3C of this Development Plan (‘To prepare a masterplan and urban design framework for the Smithwick’s site and Bateman Quay during the lifetime of the Development Plan’) it is now proposed to make a Variation to the same Development Plan to include 9 no.