Official certificate definition

Official certificate means a paper or electronic document signed by the certifying officer and providing assurance concerning compliance with one or more requirements laid down in the rules referred to in Article 1(2);
Official certificate means any form of certification, either written or print- ed (including that prescribed in § 58.18) used under the regulations in this sub- part to certify with respect to the in- spection of dairy processing plants and the inspection, class, grade, quality, size, quantity, or condition of products (including the compliance of products and packaging material with applica- ble specifications).
Official certificate means any form of certification, either written or print- ed, used under this part to certify with respect to the sampling, class, grade, quality, size, quantity, or condition of products (including the compliance of products with applicable specifica- tions).

Examples of Official certificate in a sentence

  • Those who attain a passing grade in all three courses are eligible to apply for the Zoning Official certificate for a period of three years from the date the student successfully completed the last class.

  • The curriculum encompasses three courses:• Introduction to Zoning Administration & Enforcement• Understanding Plans: Site Plan and Subdivision Review forZoning Officials• Zoning Administration & Enforcement 2PROGRAM SPONSORSNJ Association of Planning and Zoning Administrators Rutgers University, Center for Government ServicesZONING OFFICIAL CERTIFICATEThe Zoning Official certificate is offered in cooperation with the New Jersey Association of Planning and Zoning Administrators.

  • The IRCON INTERNATIONAL LIMITED will provide the following facilities and convenience services to the successful Applicant:  Official certificate or identification card  Necessary data, information, reports relevant to the project as may be available with IRCON INTERNATIONAL LIMITED.

  • The curriculum encompasses three courses:• Introduction to Zoning Administration & Enforcement• Understanding Plans: Site Plan and Subdivision Review forZoning Officials• Zoning Administration & Enforcement 2 PROGRAM SPONSORSNJ Association of Planning and Zoning Administrators Rutgers University, Center for Government Services ZONING OFFICIAL CERTIFICATEThe Zoning Official certificate is offered in cooperation with the New Jersey Association of Planning and Zoning Administrators.

  • Official certificate confirming the Client’s matai title was sighted.

More Definitions of Official certificate

Official certificate means any form of certification, either written or print- ed, used under the regulations to cer- tify with respect to the inspection, class, grade, quality, size, quantity, or condition of products (including the compliance of products with applicable specifications).
Official certificate means any formof certification, either written or print- ed, used under the regulations to cer- 7 CFR Ch. I (1–1–19 Edition)tify with respect to the inspection, class, grade, quality, size, quantity, or condition of products (including the compliance of products with applicable specifications).
Official certificate means any certificate prescribed by
Official certificate means any certificate prescribed by regulations of the director for issuance by an inspector or other person performing official functions under this chapter.
Official certificate means a certificate prescribed by this article for issuance by an inspector or other person performing official functions under this article.
Official certificate means any form of certification, either written or print- ed, including that prescribed in § 53.16, used under the regulations to certify with respect to the inspection, class, grade, quality, size, quantity, or condi- tion of livestock with applicable speci- fications.
Official certificate means a compliance agreement certificate, certificate of quarantine compliance, permit, or other document approved by the Ohio department of agriculture and the origin state or USDA, which allows the movement of regulated articles.