Official Quotation definition
Examples of Official Quotation in a sentence
The fact that ASX may grant Official Quotation to the Shares is not to be taken in any way as an indication of the merits of the Company or the Shares now offered for subscription.
If ASX does not grant Official Quotation of the Shares offered pursuant to this Prospectus before the expiration of 3 months after the date of issue of the Prospectus, (or such period as varied by the ASIC), the Company will not issue any Shares and will repay all application monies for the Shares within the time prescribed under the Corporations Act, without interest.
Subject to clause 37.2 the provisions of this Constitution which relate to the official quotation of the Company's securities on ASX (Official Quotation), including but notlimited to clauses which refer to ASX, the Listing Rules, the ASX Settlement Operating Rules, the Home Exchange, CHESS, Restricted Securities or Listed Securities shall not have effect except while the Company is admitted to the official list of entities that ASX has admitted and not removed.
Subject to clause 37.2 the provisions of this Constitution which relate to the official quotation of the Company's securities on ASX (Official Quotation), including but not limited to clauses which refer to ASX, the Listing Rules, the ASX Settlement Operating Rules, the Home Exchange, CHESS, Restricted Securities or Listed Securities shall not have effect except while the Company is admitted to the official list of entities that ASX has admitted and not removed.
Application for Official Quotation by ASX of the Shares offered pursuant to this Prospectus will be made within 7 days after the date of this Prospectus.