Operational safety definition
Examples of Operational safety in a sentence
Operational safety should be a standing agenda item for discussion during progress meetings throughout the project developmental stages.
In particular, said regulation affects: o Management of the airport network with public service criteria.o Regime of airport tariffs.o Airport security measures (security).o Operational safety (safety).o Assignment of slots.
Operational safety shall always serve as the guiding principle and paramount priority when developing any BRT/BCAG and Transdev Services, Inc.
Operational safety means the capa- bility of a reactor to be operated in a manner that complies with national standards or requirements or widely- accepted international standards and recommendations to prevent uncon- trolled or inadvertent criticality, pre- vent or mitigate uncontrolled release of radioactivity to the environment, monitor and limit staff exposure to ra- diation and radioactivity, and protect off-site population from exposure to ra- diation or radioactivity.
Eligible project proposals will indicate a focus on one of the following three areas: (1) Operational safety, (2) infrastructure or equipment resiliency and (3) all-hazards emergency response and recovery methods.Project proposals must include aresearch, development and/or synthesis phase, a demonstration phase, and a project evaluation by an independent third-party.
Not observing this warning can lead to injury or danger to your life.Note: Further explanation or cross-references to other sections of the text in the Operation and Maintenance Instructions 2.2 Operational safety notes In generalObserve all safety and warning notices.If there should be malfunctions, shut down the unit immediately and secure against being restarted.
The most common are: to assume a regular pattern of growth in the EBITDA (earnings before interest, depreciation and taxes) will continue forever, and compute its continuing value by dividing by the discount rate less a growth factor; or to apply a factor to the asset base as an estimate of what a purchaser might pay for the future cash flows.
The basic principles are: Judicious and careful work provides best protection against accidents! Operational safety and readiness for use depend not only on your capabilities, but also on care and maintenance given to the ATMOS C 361.
Operational safety performance indicators for nuclear power plants, IAEA-TECDOC-1141.
Operational safety is significantly improved with the new vehicles, which have better operator visibility to the front and sides of the vehicle, smoother acceleration and braking, and crash energy management features that protect both passengers and the operator in case of an impact.